Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

That’s not the case at all. Not feeling ok is perfectly normal, especially now. Anyone feeling that way should do their best to get help.

It’s also very true that this lockdown WILL damage the mental health of a lot of people. Said damage could last a long time.

But mental health issues and suicide won’t go away if the lockdown ends. They are massively complicated things that can take a lifetime to treat and manage.


There you go again. Anybody that expresses finding the pandemic mentally taxing can only be wallowing in self pity.

That’s not what he said. Playing the victim does you no good pal.

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It’s exactly what he does. I’ve expressed finding the period tough a few times on here and he usually posts about me having no job or some other jibe like that.

More moral indignation…

No one has said mental health isn’t an issue, shur you’d have to be made of stone not to have gotten down at some point over the last year. I got a bout of it myself there around October. I’d suggest that people who have a long standing history of mental health issues can’t really blame covid for that tho obviously it doesn’t help. These people need to work on their issues but would greatly help themselves if they found a routine that included healthy eating and exercise and staying away from binging on covid related news . There’s loads of positives can can choose to focus on.


I’m merely pointing out on tfk if you express that you are feeling sad you’ll get the self pity or playing the victim card thrown at you. I believe this to be a lingering stigma around mental health problems in a certain generation. It seems my generation find it a lot easier to express these feelings. It also seems to really irk or unsettle posters on here Which again tells me there is a stigma.

I know myself if a friend told me he was depressed or sad the last thing I would do is to tell them to stop playing the victim or stop wallowing in self pity.

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I hope you’re all keeping safe and doing the right thing. God bless you all my children.

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They can’t but it’s very difficult for someone who suffers to see that. Being trapped inside in bad weather, with nothing open and bleak news non-stop would take an awful toll on anyone’s psyche, let alone someone prone to suffering.

I think there will be a huge mental health fallout from this.

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giphy (29)

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giphy (29)

That’s not true. Plenty (myself included) who have gone through some difficult times have found great support on here. No matter what views lads hold on here, they rally round when need is greatest. It is a wonderful online community.


Shut the fuck up

If your friend keeps repeating it without taking action or listening to your advice would you keep entertaining them?

Not al people are like you in fairness Fenway. You are definitely a great person and probably have a positive impact on Pretty much every person you interact with including me.


Please don’t be sad.

You’re right

It really is. When I was stuck in Vincent’s during the first lockdown and no one allowed in or out, it really kept me going. Even now the wife gives me an odd look when I burst out laughing for no particular reason or taking a photo of a half eaten kebab for the ravenous thread


January is done, the worst of Covid is behind us, evenings are getting longer. Plenty to look forward to.