Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

The simplicity of it is those who are making the decisions and shouting the loudest are those who are not suffering much at all individually.

If I was 40 with three kids it would be annoying but Iā€™d have contentment in that itā€™s all done.

The best weeks of my life are lost and the same with all youth and young adults.

I think this could cause a generational divide in next few months if we donā€™t open up. My age group are too weak to protest but they may just become to hate the guts out of those older people telling them what to do.


Donā€™t worry, itā€™ll be open in a few months.

Thatā€™s just not true. Iā€™ve said it before and Iā€™ll say it again, but @backinatracksuit has done nothing to deserve the shite youā€™ve directed at him, and few others would have put up with it. Improving your mental health could start with taking a step back and taking the plank out of your eye and stopping playing the victim. And I mean that to be helpful.


My grandmother was a teenager during the war over in England. Had a rough enough few years. Not once did I hear her say, ā€œthat cunt Hitler ruined my youthā€


There was zero need for him to be desperately claiming I was running some account he was arguing with on Friday or claim I was a useless waster yesterday either but hey nobody would pull him up on those things!

What if those three kids were struggling with lockdown, missing friends and school,
The myth that itā€™s all a big party for the fortysomethings with kids is mad, we also enjoy getting out for a few pints with our pals, going to matches, playing 5a sides, coaching teams, even going in to work to have adult conversations
Dothebest ypu can, take opportunities to do things you otherwise wouldnā€™t,
Nobody is demeaning your troubles but itā€™s not just yours


Youā€™re letting life pass you by longing for the past instead of making your own future. You can let this be lost time and a blank when you look back in a few years or a time you did something positive. You have the power to do that in your own handsā€¦ thatā€™s nothing to do with anyone else


Iā€™m playing the victim. Youā€™ve said it three times now. Iā€™ve found the covid period mentally taxing. It seems to really upset some of the Middle Aged men on here.

Young peopleā€™s time is more valuable and precious you seeā€¦ Shur, weā€™re as good as dead.


Well put mate, but not sure you should put hitler and youth in the one sentence

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I never said or believed that you were one and the same, I just pointed out that you have very similar perspectives and posting styles,
I didnā€™t mean to insinuate that,

giphy (17)

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Sure you didnā€™t :joy::joy::joy::rofl:

The comparisons with WW1 and WW2 are something I donā€™t understand.

Thatā€™s just not true. Those replies were in responses to your attacks. You didnā€™t express your difficulties or that you were finding it mentally taxing, you attacked someone.

By pretending those responses were attacks on you expressing your feelings you are lying to yourself and playing the victim.

It would be good for you to stop trying to cod yourself.

I was trying to work out a life decision myself this morning. Among other things I did a pros and cons list and did some reading and made some other notes. One thing that resonated with me was donā€™t be a victim of circumstances, you are in control of your own life.

And another thing, Iā€™m sure heā€™ll agree, Iā€™ve never said a bad word or received any from @endakenny

This was yesterday after spending Friday desperately hoping a pile in would commence after he accused me of running some account. Iā€™ve ignored him for months.

There you go nowā€¦ Read up on ww1 and ww2. Will get you out the gap in May.

You are. Youā€™re whining that youā€™ve been attacked for expressing your feelings. You werenā€™t. You attacked another poster an got it back. Stop with the poor me, it does you no good.

I was proving my point. I said Iā€™ve struggled and the first thing you said was to stop playing the victim.

You clearly have issues with people expressing their feelings.