Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Insightful and groundbreaking analysis from you there.


Why are over 50% of deaths nursing home residents and 1/3 of those in hospital with Covid people who picked it up in hospital. It’s almost like govt and NPHET aren’t good an interpreting the data.

Previous Week


Boris Boris Boris

It’s fizzling out

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His comments come after Health Secretary Matt Hancock predicted “a happy and free Great British summer”.

:clap: :uk:

meanwhile you have Varadkar saying last week that house arrest will continue in Ireland for another year


Lads from the South fleeing North to vaccination centres pleading to be vaxed. Only a matter before Arlene and Borris reinstate a hard boarder to protected the healthy Norn Iron from the disease ridden South.

By god. Not a word about those pesky mutations. Meanwhile the express reports that boris lockdowns may be extended. It reminds me of the time putin invaded Ukraine, then retreated, then invaded, then retrea…

Crimea is Russian.

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Fuck this I’m heading over to the UK for the summer. A month in Edinburgh or Bristol or something

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Pints pints pints

So is locking up opposition leaders and their families

I was talking to someone in the Isle of Man today and they said they are back to normal.

Ballsy fucker. Pity we’re stuck with lackeys, profiteers and simpletons.

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Tough listen to that Tuam nursing home owner on drivetime now

Tony says No


“other than in their own localities” - not even Lahinch for 2021.


Tony wouldn’t take 9/4 on a coin toss.