Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)


It makes sense though. A lot of people are suffering from anxiety and depression, this is being exacerbated by months of isolation and lockdown and I would imagine being told you have this killer disease that the world has obsessed over for a year would increase that anxiety and depression for the people who fall into that category. So it’s not the respiratory disease that causes the anxiety and depression but the societal reaction to the pandemic.

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Fucking hell. That bates all. Just goes to show these creeps will resort to anything even the mental health card.


The irony of them wheeling this shit out today, I assume to try and “scare the yoof” who might have been a bit more positive after hearing about potential holidays. The same clowns who told everyone their entire strategy boiled down to making sure this graph goes up, going on about mental health. Ffs.



the hold they have on the country is staggering, that shite would not be entertained on the mainland


This just confirms that a lot of the people complaining about long covid are worried wells.

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‘Cases’ down to almost a thousand a day. Deaths reducing. ICU numbers reducing. The vaccine being rolled out, however slowly. Schools gradually reopening.

You’d think there would be reasonable grounds for optimism from Holohan and NPHET considering all this.

No, there isn’t. The 5 day average isn’t low enough. Long covid lingers. It’s still all doom and gloom with them.

Perish the thought some hope would be given to people.


the daily beatings will continue until morale improves


As somebody said we had 4 cases the day the world went into meltdown about Berlin Bar.

This is over. Vaccines end it. But these medics will need to be pushed out. Telling people they won’t be going anywhere in the summer. We will.


This makes me very angry. The hypocrisy.

is Holohan even a real doctor?


The government strategy is to make people as anxious as possible about Covid by telling them that if they catch Covid they will feel anxious.

The brits reporting another new variant

Be grand

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There will have to be some kind of reckoning between the general public and the press.

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Has Holohan been on the frontline himself during all this? Has he spent a week or two anywhere working in a Covid ward?

His job seems to be reading statistics off a spreadsheet and running the odd press conference.

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Correction. They are reporting inctances of the South African variant now in the UK.

There are over one thousand variants in circulation at the moment. We’ll be expending a lot of energy if we get excited about each one

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Be grand.

Some mope on the tonight show reminding us this isn’t North Korea.

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