Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

You’d be concerned that they are mentioning so many variants that the public won’t take it seriously enough. Like how they sussed out that a few hundred cases a day didn’t have nearly the apocalyptic outcomes that they claimed.

Agreed. Hopefully we can get to North Korea levels of Freedom in March

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Would long covid be counted in the official stats?

So is the suggestion then that long covid is psychosomatic?

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It would be great if the journalists stopped going to the daily briefings. Nphet should be ignored by the public now. All they are doing is craving attention.

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There is absolutely zero chance of that happening. At the risk of stating the obvious, practically 95% of developed world events in everything from the economy to the stock market are based around covid

The local genius is mad for covid and lockdowns…he got very upset a few evenings ago and informed me that his neighbour still can’t enjoy her tea 6 months after having asymptomatic covid…the tea smells like petrol apparently. (He also believes in climate change)

How is he at the aul DIY

About the same as yourself

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I would say that anyone who gets really sick with covid will take some time to get over it physically much like any other illneses such as cancer or other debilitating diseases. Anyone who gets a mild dose but has possibly psychosomatic symptoms such as fatigue I think really needs to be looked at further. Anyone suffering from depression or anxiety and has had covid I think the reasons could be numerous. Is there any studies done to understand how a mild dose of a respiratory illness can physically lead to depression? Everything seems to be lumped in together as long covid. It’s really really strange and definitely needs more investigation before anything definitive could be stated.

Didn’t have you down as someone who thinks outside of the box @Horsebox

They’re making numbers up now.

Three weeks ago I was hearing of loads of people who had it. I’ve heard of no one in the last week.

It’s rampant in the hospitals and it’s hospital staff. Any deaths are in nursing homes.


Is covid 19 really any that different from any other coronavirus except more acute and we’ve no vaccine or immunity?

We have numerous vaccines and we are building immunity.

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This graph certainly seems to confirm you are right. Damn all those active retirement trips to Lazarotte.

It’s almost like people are CATCHING it in the nursing homes

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It’s groundhog day!!


The news on the radio are saying that Archbishop Holohan has banned foreign holidays. What he actually said was no visiting beaches outside your locality.