Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

There’ll be enough of the at risk people vaccinated in the next few months that we can start getting on with life


That’s a pointless what if.

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Dundalk needs to be nuked stat.


I think there are a lot of influential voices who are Stockholm Syndromed and will dig their heels in suggesting we adopt a wait and see approach to the vaccine’s efficacy. A few old folk will die of natural causes despite being vaccinated and we’ll kick the can another six months before eventually being embarrassed and reluctantly following the rest of Europe.

The Cardinal will be delighted that happiness is so low but there should still be concern that Worry levels are declining. We need a few days of RTÉ publishing stories on Long Covid and blockbuster press conferences to get that back up.

Holohan and Nepht will make sure 2021 is a nightmare for Irish people, he will not relinquish the power and status he has attained

Like this story from RTÉ. I agree that the initial rollout probably caused unnecessary deaths but come on

Brian had Alzheimer’s disease, but his family say he was in good health.

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That’s a huge surprise that people would be bored after 10 months of lockdowns and losing the will to live.

All for the greater good as @Thomas_Brady, @mikehunt and @Malarkey would argue.


Heard a story today about a family in Louth with an autistic 6 year old who were fined €100 for going to the beach, 7 km from their house.

We’ve moved on a long way from Gardai saying they’ll reach for fines as a last resort or for egregious behaviour.

It’s hard not to think that this is a political decision from DoJ in response to the embarrassing amount of curtain-twitching in the last month and to be seen to be “doing something”


I think guards have used a lot of common sense up to now but you have imbeciles on social media who will upload videos of themselves sniggering away at Garda checkpoints and fobbing them off saying they have to go feed a friends goldfish.

Stop peddling lies.


The rules are ridiculous and have gone so far over the top now it’s scary.

That said, I’d imagine there is more to that story than a guard just fining them. They must have gone after being told not to or something. Again, that’s still ridiculous.

I encounter the guards every day and they’ve been grand (aside from one clown at the airport who was wondering what a uniformed fella with “immigration” written all said uniform could possibly be doing at an airport).

Yeah - I’ve no issue with fines for that kind of behaviour or generally taking the piss. Ultimately though the success of the Covid measures will be based upon voluntary compliance rather than enforcement and this kind of thing is a very quick way to burn through goodwill unnecessarily.

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It was the sister of a colleague in work so I’m not inclined to disbelieve her. It was the family in the car apparently.


Well if it is true it’s absolutely ridiculous.

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Can you expand on that ?