Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Iā€™ve been sceptical of government actions since day 1. The audit trail is there.

I can also appreciate that people are dying or getting very ill.

Overall itā€™s all out of my hands so youā€™ve just got to let the negative energy go and embrace the positive. Have you followed up your admission of ignorance surrounding WW1 and WW2? WFH allows for plenty of opportunity to listen to podcasts and to learn.

The comparison between World wars in which thousands of young men are shooting at each other and this is something I am not interested in pursuing.

If a world war was ongoing then I would be able to contrast.

You are simply spinning this once again.

Many in WW1 in Ireland would have heard about Black 47 etc etc.

I didnā€™t make any comparisons with either warā€¦ I merely urged you to use them to learn.


While your concern for those with mental health issues is a welcome development, forgive me if Iā€™m a tad suspicious that boredom has resulted in a spike in suicides. Could you throw up an old link there to allay my suspicions?

Thatā€™s where the younger generation are at now unfortunatelyā€¦ Screaming at people who donā€™t placate their views or feelings.


Losing the will to live is not necessarily suicide.

The younger generation are as quiet as mouses.

I wonder how many of the fines for ā€œnon essentialā€ travel at the airport will actually end up being paid. What on earth can AGS say to you if you have an essential reason to go abroad?

2 year backlog in the uk courts apparently. Iā€™d say one of our elder statesmen could take out Johnson without any real possibility of them ever facing trial
Cc @TheBlackSpot??

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The modern day black and tans

So youā€™re worried about people that are bored?

Boredom can be a symptom of depression.

Our grandfathers fought wars to win freedom, todays generation are being asked to sit on the couch for a year or two, watching TV and drinking cans.

Now you have me worried. How did you know about my terminal condition?

They did yes. Most people have just handed it back though

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Boredom is easily solved. Depression probably not so easy.

Thereā€™s young kids presenting in Irish hospitals after self harming, the LIDTF crew donā€™t give a bollix about that though

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