Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Watching sky news yesterday and the report from the Isle of Man about reopening. They are completely free from it, bars jammmed everyone hugging etc.
Interviewed some old timer and he was perfectly ok with the people they jailed for 4 weeks for not obeying lockdown :astonished:

You sound just like @BruidheanChaorthainn yet before there was any lockdown he was on here all the time and doing none of the above.

I’ve never seen two posters with such similar posting styles… @Perez2017 will have to do a deep dive here.

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Collective meltdown from the Liverpool fans. The pressure has gotten too much for them.

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God forbid a few lads on both side of the argument here were struck down with something serious. This place would go into lockdown… oh wait…

Errah shur lookit, it gives them something to be at.

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On international travel, I’m working from 6 this evening until 6 tomorrow morning. I will deal with 4 flights in the entire airport in that time. They’ll all be practically empty.

Versus 1668 and 7.45% last Wednesday

Depression is a symptom of LONG COVID

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Can I get the official TFK line here, long Covid is a giant COD and anybody claiming it is a lazy cunt or imagining it?

Because I’ve heard that it can be quite debilitating

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No I don’t think anyone is seriously calling it, or the virus for that matter a cod.

My opinion is that the multitude of various conditions or ailments people who have gotten COVID and subsequently developed are being attributed to COVID too readily.

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Thats 4 flights too many, we are in the middle of a pandemic here


Mate, if people weren’t seriously saying it was a cod you’d think they’d give up after the thousandth time saying it

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Have many called it a cod?

It sounds a lot like ME or yuppie flu. One of the treatments for that is CBT.

Fatigue post viral infections such as glandular fever is not uncommon. We also have vaccination placebo results that showed half the people or more had symptoms after a shot of saline.

The brain is a funny thing.

sleep problems

Most people find overexercising makes their symptoms worse.

The severity of symptoms can vary from day to day, or even within a day.

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Inconclusive, I’m not sure where you stand

Cod or no cod?

Sometimes a cod?

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I’m saying that a lot of symptoms have no physical cause but manifest themselves anyway. Makes them no less real to the person and it’s why every drug trial has a placebo.

The more long Covid is talked about the more people will experience it.

For now Long Covid is a made up term that does not really mean anything. It’s at best anecdote driven and at worst is a condition that will be created and worsened by media attention.

It would be more accurate to say to people that in some cases people experience fatigue and other symptoms post viral infections and if affected talk to their GP.

Nocebo is as real as placebo. It’s fascinating we can think ourselves sick or think ourselves better.


I had a virus back in January that knocked me right out for a few days. It took me a good two months for the cough to pass completely. I’ve no doubt long covid is a thing for some people.

It’s the term I have an issue with and the reporting of it. It’s a coverall term for a myriad of symptoms ranging from scarred lung tissue to depression to fatigue all of which are the after effects of being sick. We don’t have long cancer or long pneumonia or long flu but now we have the need for long covid. I find it curious.