Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

You’d be depressed too if you had scarred lung tissue. An awful thing to display to the world … There’s awful stigma around it.


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It’s a phrase coined by the scaremongers. Fellas like George Lee and Sam mcconkey aren’t just going to walk off into the sunset in a few weeks when this over they need something to hold onto to stay relevant.

“Probably” does he think there’s a chance of getting rid of it?

Who knows, who can tell?

How many of the other 18 covids did we get rid of?

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Anyone for the last few choc ices now

I wonder who was the CMO during the Spanish Flu of 1919? Tony Holohans great grandfather?

Those Parliamentary Party meetings are some joke.

They may as well live stream them

They just come out with these big statements with nothing to back them up.

Its a bit like TFK I suppose.

Bressie wants Si back calling the shots

Halo of flies.

Thank you. I am just trying to offer the corrective of common sense, logic and pragmatism. There is no magic bullet and I certainly have no easy answers to proffer. A lot of this process is tragic.


You are fatuous… The spectacle is almost funny.


An all or nothing, black or white, “teachers unions”-hating, Zero Covid versus FREEDOM, OIUTF versus Lockdown Forever, straw man merchant.

Everyone takes the same risk or no one takes any risk… Would say you were terrific on the old video games.

Utterly fatuous…

Mr Managerialism, seeking a new stirrup (and carrots) for his low pony.

Eloquently made – and true – point. Fair play.

This might just be the greatest thing you’ve ever done in your life.

And that’s saying something. A great man.

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