Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Fair enough. Those points, with which I am obviously in severe disagreement, are an attempt at a genuine engagement. I will shortly attempt to answer them all, after a bit of late dinner.

What’s for dinner

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Must be it.

look it’s my opinion

it may bore you for various reasons like im consistent in what i say or maybe you refer to things that you dont agree with or can relate to as boring … I dont know and looks that’s fine but yeah…i think we’re really overcomplicating something really simple ( how to deal with tis vaccine, not the consistency of my meanderimgs btw…)

the covid ship has sailed… let’s move on and start thinking about all of our population and our wellbeing starting by getting kids back at education, allowing sport to reopen for children and getting people back to work.

The over 83s or whatever is the median age of death will need to avoid to us tho for a while- that’s their responsibility as well and lets see how we ride this out… to quote FOTF Luke o neill ( stick granny next to the open window…)

Covid is here… our current MOO of suffocate and breath is clearly not working and is supporting its existence…lets move on… let this thing go and work its way thru and die out once and for all


Love it from you. It’s the “I know you are but what am I style” of argument after I called out your Guardian v Telegraph thinking. That other headcase Sid used to do the same, no surprise you two argued with one another off a cliff. It was like a classic Disney death trope for two goons.

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Call me out…

Dream on.

You have had a remarkably cossetted life, clearly, thinking materialism is virtue. You are a remarkably vulgar person, really. And I really get under your skin because I am so effortlessly smarter. You really do not like that reality.

I used meet quite a lot of ladeens like you in UCD, the 1980s. Ye drank Furstenberg and rattled on about rugby. I had a few little encounters in UCD Bar when I was wearing (UCD) GAA gear. At a certain point, I would just say: “That’s grand, that’s grand… Now introduce me to your sister.”

Silence. The only thing snobs understand is force.


And a Barolo.

I owe you a proper reply which i will get to.
From your musings on here (which are superbly documented by the way and make for very enjoyable reading) it looks to me like you live a very sheltered and sedentary life so may not be equipped with the necessary phenomenology to be able to relate to the concerns of the common man who is supporting a family, trying to educate children, keep a roof over his head and may have grave concerns for loved ones who are alone, depressed and exasperated by this nonsense


Actually a re-release. He is a one hit wonder.

Just looking at the bbc propaganda bulletin. As glenshane predicted they’re expressing great relief that the vaccine can be future proofed, tweaked etc to cope with emerging strains.
For any reasonably astute person its actually incredible how a slight majority of people buy into this shit.


They’ve used all the tools of the great propagandists now amplified by social media. Fear, social isolation, ridicule, canceling.

The Emperor has no clothes

It’s fascinating to see the reaction since vaccines were approved. Multiple vaccines after multiple trials. The medics and the media refusing to acknowledge the solution exists and this is going away.


giphy (21)

The Govt rep on Matt Cooper looking fairly unsure

His defence to lack of mandatory quarantine to people flying back from their holidays was “there us a 500 euro fine”

And dancing nurses…

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Ah, just wonderful! You’ve got to the “speaking in the third person thing”. Pure class Sur! You’ve been building to this very nicely and I commend you for your timing.

Oh lord it’s hard to be humble etc


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Have you met the whole gang?