Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Iā€™m kind of a big deal around here

According to who?


Sounds like you had a similar experience to Tom Humphries, and similar interests too.

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:grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

The number of mammograms carried out by the HSEā€™s BreastCheck screening service fell by more than two-thirds in 2020, leading to the detection of 600 fewer breast cancers.

Some 56,000 women had a full mammogram last year compared to more than 170,000 in 2019, a drop of 114,000, and mammogram numbers this year are expected to be behind again as BreastCheck operates a coronavirus-affected service.

Unfortunately directing everything at Covid and stopping cancer screening is going to impact a lot of lives.

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You canā€™t expect those women to put school children at risk of covid 19

Ah FFS sake



Neither of the two ye are near half as smart as ye like to think.

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Its important to know when to walk away from an argument on the internet. Itā€™ll do wonders for your mental health.

Stay well guys.

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Thatā€™s what youā€™re up against. Fellas telling you how smart they are

If lads put as much effort into finding meaning in their lives as winning arguments on the INTERNET

walking and reading would release them from the yoke of their ego.

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Itā€™s all very adolescent

One of, if not the wittiest poster on TFK. Itā€™s a shame you had to veer to the dark side to be appreciated but such is TFK I suppose.

Ah would you relax, it was straight out of a Monday Diary there from TH back in the day

The present moment is a wonderful moment.



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I wonder when the Italians and Spanish will endorse this.

We all have out encounters with the dark side mike. Some of these encounters are brief flirtations, others are consuming passions. We never really understand where we stood until long after we put them behind us.
