Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Ah no, I am extremely smart.

And fellas telling fellas we should not have locked down on Christmas Eve.


We should not have, no. Cases are falling in a similar manner in places (like Sweden) that had no lockdown.

As if we needed more evidence of the lies they are deliberately selling.

“You have to be playing with the theory of mind of your audience,” said Tomás Ryan, a neuroscientist at Trinity College Dublin and co-founder of Ireland’s “ISAG” group that hopes to persuade the Irish government to adopt a ZeroCovid policy, in a session on strategy. “We’ve made a lot of tactical errors. We didn’t give enough time to selling the reward, which is so we can be like New Zealand.” His ISAG colleague Aoife McLysaght, a professor in molecular evolution, agreed: “We were the merchants of doom for a while… we’ve had to change our messaging. So we are now saying: you can have hugs again. You can go to music festivals. That kind of thing.”

They have made ridiculous claims on Level Zero. Nolan was absolutely right to call them nonsense.


Not smart enough to avoid swallowing stupid and obvious bait, avoid getting drawn into long tedious and pointless arguments, avoid getting yourself worked into a rage and firing out nasty personal insults that any reasonable man would be embarrassed by in the cold light of day, and most obviously, you’re not smart enough to make points succinctly.

I do like your columns though.


Ah that’s just brilliant, it’s like having Kev back, with better spelling and more highbrow yarns


@Malarkey Has really jumped the shark here this week. “The only thing snobs understand is force”

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TFK is senior hurling. Any unresolved issues usually bubble to the surface and get exposed.

The best lads are nourished by what they have and not hijacked by what they don’t have.



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Move the link to the top line in the post to embed it correctly :innocent:


Michael McNamara would fit in well on here.


He’s a right wing loon

He’s filling the role vacated by journalism there


It’s still a reduction of 300 cases on the previous Thursday with a 1% reduction in positivity.
You would have expected it to be a bit lower by now though.

Stubbornly high.

The whole left/right schism about lockdowns is fairly daft from people to put it forward. There are not too many issues myself and yourself would find common ground on but the use of lockdowns to make up for government lack of accountability would certainly be one. Yet people from differing sides consistently try to defer it as the doing of their ideological opponents.

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