Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Tell Covid never




Nothing he said there is wrong.

Question this lockdown or the need for it and the LIDTF crew will play the man not the ball when it comes to their response.

Very tricky to get it much lower with the weather and so many still working.

And close contacts being tested too.

Realistically household transmission will be a huge cause of these numbers and the hospitals.

We need to start shooting people in the face

myself and @Malarkey have different stances on how this farce of a situation should be handled but he is a superb contributor and when he gets going there is no better poster on here


I think dance routines may be the answer

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after christmas the narrative on here with a few of the panic merchants was that putting a child on a school bus was akin to packing a load of jews and gypsies into a carriage on a freight train to Sobibor extermination camp.
In the absence of the morbidity of children gasping to death on ventilators in the so called ā€œovercrowdedā€ hospitals a few posters then aligned with Gerry Killeenā€™s analogy that school going children were indeed ā€œstealth bombers in a covid societyā€,
all that has come to pass are frustrated kids missing friends and education, parents trying to figure out what was is up and a society exhausted by the absolute folly of this excerciseā€¦

ā€œmedian age of deathā€¦ 83ā€

lock up the children and dont go to work

fucking hell


I think you must be confusing this place with something else.
I donā€™t recall a single poist in that vein


at the outset of this exercise there was this whole sense of bonhomie that we are all " doing our bit to save lives"ā€¦ twitter was donning the green jersey and there was a war footing- stay indoors to stay aliveā€¦
given that the vast majority of folks under 83 ( ok weā€™ll say 75 taking in stdev) couldnt really give a toss if they caught this thing - whatā€™s the motivating factor today?
I think shaming might be a good strategy as in blaming people that their socialising is causing the rise in unemploymentā€¦people arent buying the whole getting sick / dying thing anymoreā€¦ this is merely a discussion on case numbers nowā€¦ if case numbers are up the impact is not death itā€™s an impact to society in terms of unemployment , social isolation, family dysfunction, rise in child neglect / abuse, domestic violence increases .
Id have more respect for the government if they came out and said thatā€¦ apparantly tho these are all unfortunate consequences that dwindle in comparison to all these lives we are meant to be savingā€¦


Itā€™s standard enough fare on here to sayā€¦ 'some lads on here want (insert unfounded argument) 'ā€¦ When no one has said anything near it. @BruidheanChaorthainn is always at it.

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Good thread. Telling people to quarantine or take a test is one thing, but our police force on the road making value judgements on what essential travel is? Our national broadcaster engaging in bullying at the airport? Our police force fining people with an autistic child for going to the beach?

As we go through this pandemic, the calls grow louder for punishments and more restrictions. As @mickee321 says, the ā€œbonhomieā€œ is gone. We now live in a society where our health authorities admit to trying to stoke worry and fear.

Good to hear SAGE saying they see the exit path for this now. The vaccine was supposed to be that but the goal posts have been moved seemingly in recent weeks. I donā€™t believe itā€™s Adam Curtis style paranoia to ask when will this end and when people will accept the reintroduction of restrictions?


Itā€™s really interesting to watch from a societal and psychological perspective.

It also should make people question how they would have behaved differently in times gone by in Ireland when terrible things happened to women and children. Theyā€™d have done fuck all.

I read a good book about the rise of the Third Reich. Most normal Germans were bemused by Nazis and didnā€™t take them seriously. Then they took power and people still didnā€™t believe in the doctrine but it was easier to go along with it for a quiet life.

Fear and a desire for a quiet life drive so much of our behaviour.



there is a lot or relevenace to what you are saying there.
Whilst a lot has been made on here about how previous generations had hardships whilst raising families they were very much a complicit group of individuals , irish society has always been that way, back when there were atriocities being commited at mother/baby homes people stayed quite for fear of being different, you see it here now as well - who knows in 30 years time maybe studies will be done on the impact to families, chilldren and society as we all hunkered down to save the lives of geriatricsā€¦
Modern day social media is depicable, everyone has their own personal pulpit and can be john charles macquiad for a few moments casting judgement on those who speak differentā€¦ as we see again - those who claim to be the most liberal are in fact the most complicit, campaigning for free speech but screaming racist, bully, liar or ive even seen on here sociopath at those who offer a different opinionā€¦

the silencing of trump was a sad sad day, whilst he obviously spoke an incredible amount of nonsense - he did represent the views of 60 odd million people and for those views to be censored in a so called democratic society is deeply unsettling .

people need to speak about and question what is happening here and especially the way it is reported in the media

are we all still doing this to save lives? come onā€¦
people are at their wits end over businesses falling apart, teenagers going out of control, their parents crumbling in isolaton, behavioural problems exacerbating in kids and their marriages falling apartā€¦ nobody gives an absolute fuck about dying altho you probably have a section of society driven to suicide by the negativity pumped down their gobs on TV and as consequences of what i have previously metionedā€¦
case numbers
can they not just call it?
case numbers = unemploymemt / depression/ family problemsā€¦ stay indoors and you might get some break and youā€™ll be left off againā€¦ but this is what we lead with from the start - case numbers and now the narrative has been locked in and set


You are some fuckinā€™ eejit. Thank the gods you have no power or influence.

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Classic playing the man not the ball there.

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i hate to see that tbh in a poster, you know the argument is lost then
referencing internet tribal knowledge and in jokes that fellas have nothing to do with is another sign of really weak posting in an attempt to denigrate or disaprage a poster to distract from a point well made ā€¦ some fella apparently defecated at the start of a marathon by his own personal admission and youā€™ll see a reference to it 5 years later by a fella who wasnt even on the board thenā€¦
its the lowest common denominator tbh