Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Not a thing. Just being catty. Sorry.

This is not the fuckin place


This Fran McNulty is a pure lightweight. He has an open goal but can’t lay a glove on the Taoiseach.

The state of Champ’s hair here.

This one is some wreck head.


That was very frustrating to watch. Why are they being so incredibly vague on offering any semblance of hope?

McNulty never pressed him when Martin refused to answer as to whether we had tried to secure unused doses of vaccine from other nations, as Germany had done.

Desperate stuff I’d say it was your man’s first big interview was it :roll_eyes:

It’s over. Multiple vaccines exist. They are now in full ass covering mode re vaccine roll out and why they won’t be responsible for its delay but as a disease it’s run it’s course.

Well, fair play to you for picking up on that point. The Dimster is a nasty piece of work, behind all the guff. He basically called me a (convicted) paedophile, over an argument he could never hope to win, because he is dim. As I say, a nasty piece of work. Loves Kevin Myers.

I accept the rebuke about going over the top with Sidney. I apologized and I was happy to apologize – especially since I did not realize that he has a challenging private life. He comes across as a difficult individual but I wish him well. He certainly never called me a paedophile.

Funny enough, there is a funny story about myself and Tom Humphries (and: hi Tom, you poisonous gobshite, when next you type your name into this site’s search function). Quite a few years ago, I had a piece published in The Irish Times. Morning of publication, I was at the parents’ house. Phone goes: friend of mine, Lecturer in UCG. He goes: “Tom Humphries won’t like that…”

A few years later, I was told by people in the paper that TH had rung up the sports editor that same morning and “thrown his toys out of the pram”. TH says: “It’s him or me.” So the sports editor, a moustached prick whose name is a byword for obnoxiousness in journalistic circles, caves. He later said to a friend: “The columns were great but I didn’t want to be upsetting Tom.”

Back in 2011, I walked into a supermarket in Loughboy and had my usual scan of all the newspapers before moving on to food purchases. One of the papers had a story about a leading sports journalist being done for child sex abuse. I immediately texted a friend in The Irish Times: “I see Tom Humphries is in big bother.” Knew it must be him. Could not be anyone else. A certain kind of insecure egotism, a certain kind of narcissism, becomes a funnel, in middle age.

So TH has cost me hundreds of thousands. A pity. But I would have paid billions to see him end up where he ended up. I am only sorry for the two girls involved and the two families.


I was playing the contemptuous eejit.

You really need to cop on yourself.

You are less of a cunt than Tom Humphries.

I’ve been consistent on this from day 1. I believe the restrictions are disproportionate and will do more damage long term than COVID. If that makes me a “contemptuous idiot” so be it.

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But they’re giving no indication of when it will be ‘over’ as in no restrictions or even very few.

Look, fuck off back to your tank.

Another nasty piece of work – and an utter moron, to boot.

Most interesting, the personality type drawn to OIUTF.

Well, you should make that point in a tone that respects the tragedies involved.

When have I ever not?

What is the course? RTE studies?


You seem to me a misled person rather than a nasty person. I am being robust with you because you typically express yourself in a robust fashion.

I will leave it to you to look back on your posts. This virus is very far from a cod. I got a phone call this evening from one of my fellow parishioners. I was amazed when he told me he had just got over a bad bout of Covid.