Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

lovely clip to proceedings here of late :clap:

I skimmed through your posts above. You seemed to say that you refused to consider the personal circumstances of anyone who had suffered economic hardship during this pandemic, or words to that effect. Basically you refuse to consider any inconvenient evidence that might shake your own sense of self-righteousness and contempt for others.

You can shove your sick friend up your bollocks. You donā€™t care about anyone elseā€™s problems, no-one cares about yours.


Really, it is amazing that you are vertebrate.

I donā€™t care what approach you take with me, nor what you think of me frankly. Some posters in here enjoy you. More power to them and you. Free country.

But one thing Iā€™ll make clear. Iā€™ve never once called this virus a cod. Nor have I ever downplayed or not respected the dead and victims of it.

Iā€™ve provided the evidence for my argument. I believe it strongly and am happy to debate it with anyone.


Fair enough. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Keep well.

In addition to being a despicable piece of work, you have no concept of the trade offs on the decisions of locking down society versus the benefits of limiting the spread of the virus. You are oblivious to the greater good and ignore the actual hard data presented. You are clearly terrified of elderly relatives of yours contracting covid and thatā€™s a fine position to hold but not to the detriment of the rest of society presented as anything other than your personal emotions. This is a multivariate situation but you are blinded by your emotions and impulses and are immune to a rational conversation on the consequences of lockdown. In short, you are a disgrace and no amount of your cringey thesarus swallowing can disguise that. Youā€™re a joke of a man.

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No sign of restrictions easing according to the Indo.

It looks like weā€™ll be locked down for ever.

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Maybe itā€™s for the best.

Few lads here shouldnā€™t be allowed out into the gpop anyway youā€™d feel.

Another big night of it last night.

You donā€™t need a dry robe. You donā€™t need the sea nor a lake.

Fill a bath up with cold water, sit into it and breath deep and slow for about 5 minutes, towel off, sit on the bed and review your recent posts.

Donā€™t edit. Just reflect.


Youā€™d wonder if itā€™s safe to open it up at all.


This thread or society in general?

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Just another 123 days to go lads.

Is anyone here stopping their kids from playing with other kids?

Yeah. Those little Johnson kids from 4 doors up smell like shit, lick batteries and hurt small animals for fun.

Fuck those Johnson kids.


Sammy Wilson

ā€œa despicable piece of workā€

That phrase settles like snow.

Weā€™ve spotted land ahoy.

Lads jumping over board now would be a shame.

This has to be juggled so as to let vaccines and lockdowns share the credit for the virus buggering off in the summerā€¦important to justify next yearā€™s lockdown/yearly compulsory vaccine/ health passport