Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Iā€™d say if Mick Healy Rae was in charge of getting his electorate vaccinated he would do a better (quicker anyway) job than the HSE

Heā€™ll be running buses to Newry yet

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Was this Holohans call ?
I wasnā€™t aware of that.

Is this an emergency or isnā€™t it?

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To be fair I donā€™t think it makes a massive difference in terms of the overall. Thereā€™s still a whole load of people under 70 who need the jab because they are vulnerable. It should just mean that while the over 70s take a bit longer the other at risk people are done in parallel rather than in sequence.

Article yesterday.

Nobody in government willing to go against him.


This all goes back to Christmas. I told ye lot that Christmas was his "I told ye so moment " but would ye listen? Would ye fuck. Heā€™s got Carte blanche now and hes turning the screw.

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Any delay is at the feet of Ursula Von Der Lying and her team of beauracrats

Paddy doesnā€™t mind being locked down for a few more months. Whatā€™s the rush?

An absolute clusterfuck. She makes Boris look competent

And lads think our leaders followed this lockdown fiction out of competence and sense

Would you like to reconsider partition?

I know one of the lads asked to join this project. Heā€™s only recently joined the HSE from the real world.

He couldnā€™t believe that they only started work on the database pretty much after the first doses of vaccine arrived. Itā€™s like they werenā€™t expecting it.


No one tell the virus thereā€™s gaps in the roof

Once the Covid testing Centres close due to snow on Thursday weā€™ll have a Chance at zero Covid.

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Claire Byrne doing a report there of two Gardai on the beat in Cork city last Friday night.

The took a call from a tenant who reported his housemates were hosting a house party. The snitch was upstairs in his room as the boys in blue arrive on and dish out a ā‚¬500 fine to the host & ā‚¬150 fines to the other attendees.

Should be a frosty enough atmosphere around the gaff for the next whileā€¦

Hope you werenā€™t caught up in this @Copper_pipe ā€¦


Why the fuck would the Guards reveal that?
Iā€™m sure the :rat: wouldnā€™t have wanted them to?

Iā€™d be playing this over breakfast

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I hope they beat him to death


They even interviewed the tout briefly!

His main gripe seemed to be that he had to be up at 6am for work and the music was blaring from 3am to 5am. (Works in a supermarket, he said heā€™s dealing with elderly customers all day and didnā€™t want to put them at risk).

Awful bad form ratting out your own housemates. Hungover as fuck the next day and then remembering youā€™ve a 500 quid fine down on top of it. Jaysus.