Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Fair fucks to him, he wants them to know he did it too.

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He’s not a coward. Fair fucks

he needs to get a hold of himself
living in rented accomodation and working in a supermarket, probably a third level dropout

Or has a Phd in Arts


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Do you think it’s possible he asked them to turn it down first as he has work in the morning? I’d say it’s more than likely.


Or he might be someone funding his third level education by working in a supermarket at weekends.


Dr. Colm Henry was on morning ireland this morning talking about the vaccination programme.

Given what transpired on Friday I presumed there would be some difficulty fielding questions about the different advice provided by NIAC and the CMO and which advice the government went with.

He wasn’t even asked about it.

That’s just an absolute disgrace.


Is that the Sam McConkey of England?

No idea

how the hell did this make it onto the RTE website

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We live on Planet Covid now with failed public health doctors controlling the narrative.

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Reckless from RTÉ. The economy always put ahead of public health.

failed public health doctors who want the place shut down because they cant handle a few busy days in an ICU


And because they want to be very important multi millionaires while not admitting their catastrophic errors.

It’s a joke. My niece is a nurse and she wasn’t scheduled to get vaccinated until she made a noise about it last week. The office staff were vaccinated though.


Covid by and large only makes old people sick. Or people with pre existing conditions.

once they are vaccinated the clamour to open up will become overwhelming

The same lads in media saying we’ll be locked down for years were same lads saying we could be waiting years for a vaccine that may never come


Those cunts who went to Cheltenham fucked us