Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

There will be a few earning more on the PUP than they were before the pandemic who will be LIDTF

the best bit then
the lads who called for a lock the place down in january thought ( and maybe still do) think that this act of futility will have the pubs open in the summer and everyone back in the gaelic grounds because " they did their bit" , ah no lads thatā€™s not how it works

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1 million a month vacinnated each month from May. We should be all done by September.

Iā€™d give Holohan to end of March before he starts to lose the argument. Media will need a new spin on this soon to keep attention.

Weā€™ll be looking at John Bull riding around Europe from may & our cunts will be shamed into getting the finger out

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based on that wild assumption- yes you are rightā€¦ however you can be damn sure restrictions will remain - at least a L2 type format until at least all of europe comes in to the same baseline

No wild assumption. Head of HSE said it on radio this morning.

People should stay at home to avoid car crashes as well once this is over, FFS, Just stop living altogether, all these misery gimps have come crawling out from whatever rock they have been hiding under, conservative catholic church nutcases


Is Holohan even a proper doctor?

Thereā€™ll be way more of that as the year goes on. The implementation has to be delegated to GPs yet, imagine how much fuck acting will happen.

yeah - the media are the key enabler in this- you are correct and you can see the influence it has even on fellas here who are bought into this thing.
Aside from a few dissenters state run media are in Hoolahanā€™s corner and there is yet another virus porn program on some night after the news this week.
Hoolahan can blame the vaccine rollout tho on the goverment and im sure around april the stories of the LGFA radiologist or the student doctor from cork with ā€œlong covidā€ will come back to ratchet the fear up again


Sure half the public support the idea of half the public sitting at home on full pay


it may still be a wild assumption thoā€¦

Iā€™d tell her to fuck right off, but its unlikely sheā€™d know how to.

Until they have to start paying for itā€¦


A two week circuit breaker and weā€™ll be grand

They should start paying for it now. Useless fuckers would soon put this babyish behaviour behind them.


Ultimately Twitter will decide when this ends.


His doctorate is in public administration