Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

there 100% will be no club gaa in 2021
100% guaranteed- that stuff last year was awful bad press for the gahā€¦ even given the option they wont peruse club matches

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Save yourself a read so.

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You are correct my brother. We are past the point of return. Things will never go back to the way they were. Whatā€™s lost is lost and gone forever

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I think we will be dragged kicking and screaming into normality. We were outliers in October and November with restrictions. Italy, France, Poland and other countries are all more or less out of lockdowns now. Even up the road in the 6 counties once Healy Park in Omagh has spectators from Tyrone and Armagh in attendance it will be impossible to not allow a big relaxation here. There will be studies done on this in years to come and future generations will be exasperated saying what were ye thinking. Hopefully Iā€™ll be able to archive a few posts on TFK to say I railed against it.


Very hard to know what will happen . The one thing is that money will be the determining factor

The Medical Industrial complex will ger richer and richer and the rest of us will look on and say WTF just happened?

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i think Johnny everyone is railing against this nonsene
we can only predict based on what we have seen to date.
look you know my views on this - i think the whole thing is an absolute farce , primarily because i can see where it is headed and also the shocking impact it has had for neglible gain


Itā€™ll create a tinder box for upheaval. Well not in Ireland but around the world.

Funny thing is, this is already quite manageable with better treatments and restrictions on gatherings. If they (govt/guards) just had the stomach for it pubs and restaurants shops could all open and run at reduced capacity

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The medical industrial complex has been cleaning up for over a generation . The western world is utterly dependent of big pharma .

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Luke Oā€™Neill and Bernard Oā€™Shea coming up on Claire Byrne in a giant bubble ball.



Maybe naivety on my behalf but surely youā€™d imagine that if we get to, say, June and all frontline workers, all over 70ā€™s and all nursing home residents have been vaccinated - with a drastic reduction in deaths and cases - thereā€™ll be huge pressure on to ease restrictions.

Even more so if most of Europe or the UK are open for business by then alsoā€¦?


Our corporation tax receipts and our whole economy would be fucked without them.

There is pros and cons to that though.

What did you have on the breakfast roll? Itā€™s ages since I had one I might get one Friday morning

I donā€™t think the vaccines are going to have that affect though for a coronavirus that always mutates.

At any other time in history you would be right mate, I donā€™t know now though, the precedent is there Iā€™m afraid.

I was late going in there mate so the only thing that was fresh breakfast wise were the sausages. Put 3 in, two pieces of white pudding and 2 rashers.

Large brown roll to keep it some bit healthy and a can of 7up. It was a nice treat.


Yeah I think something has got to give but it will be a number of things. Not least the budget deficit. Its alright to say we can borrow at 0% but its the fiscal deficit that is the problem. Minimal tax receipts and huge public expenditure. Its simply unsustainable. It can take decades to balance the books on that front. Unemployment predicted by ESRI to be min 28%. Thats a frightening statistic. Young people beginning to draw up plans to emigrate again in pursuit of more opportunities and better quality of life leaving a nation of financially dependent geriatrics. What we have seen to date is a total abdication of responsibility on part of govt and cowering behind medics. Even more so after what went on at Christmas but if they donā€™t grow a pair we are heading for the abyss and Iā€™ve got to believe that they will draw a line in the sand with regards to NPHET sooner rather than later and are biding their time waiting for the right moment.

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They may ease off on QE over the next 12-18 months id say, the central banks will be nearly forced to.

Probably the easiset tax to bring in while bringing the national debt down at the same time.

Thatā€™s the scandal. We (and other countries) have looked at a multi faceted and complex problem through the single lens of public medicine doctors who now get to run a real time experiment never before tried measure of last resort on a seemingly never ending basis. Iā€™ve seen no analysis of how each month impacts on cancers, medical health, the economy and only a daily obsession with case numbers or positive PCR tests that donā€™t indicate if a person is or is not sick.

Thereā€™s an element of puritanicalism given where they have constantly targeted too.


I think we would have seen that by June anyway regardless of vaccines. It is clearly a seasonal respiratory disease. We will be down to minimal cases by the summer. Hospitals will empty out like they always do. The key will be not to be fixated on cases. If there is an uptick in September we canā€™t revert to type and start pressing panic button. By that stage most of at risk groups will be vaccinated and we should be in the clear.