Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Exactly, there wasn’t a bail out per se . There was a bail in .

That said we only had ourselves to blame .

Yes and no… Shur the EU central bank encouraged all the borrowing. And shur we couldn’t help ourselves, who could when it’s been thrown at them.

I don’t know how you do it.

Paddy Power encourages folk to gamble like no tomorrow …

I don’t.

He should be running the country?

I like Luke, seems like a decent fella,
It’s clear he enjoys the limelight but what’s wrong with that, it suits some fellas, he’s world renowned in his field. But the suggestion that he’s doing it for money is well off the mark I’d say, he’s a very wealthy man and doesn’t strike me as the hungry type.

Michael Lewis has a book called Boomerang goes to the various places in the World that made an absolute fuck of it in he years leading up to 2008. Everyone had their own bit of mentalness, the Icelandic’s borrowed cheap Euros and used it for FX trading on their own currency basically, the Greeks spent all the German money on retiring early and general corruption or inefficiency, and then he said of the Paddys;

Left alone in a dark room with a pile of money, the Irish decided what they really wanted to do with it was buy Ireland. From each other.

And then of the fiscally prudent Germans

“The German losses are still being toted up, but at last count they stand at $21 billion in the Icelandic banks, $100 billion in Irish banks, $60 billion in various U.S. subprime-backed bonds, and some yet to be determined amount in Greek bonds. The only financial disaster in the last decade German bankers appear to have missed was investing with Bernie Madoff”


The Germans thought the could have good pensions based on lending money to Paddy , Pedro and Gylfi to have a property pozni scheme and easy credit cards.

In finest TFK tradition the thread has strayed a bit .

Yerrah, the auld Coronavirus talk was getting a bit repetitive.

New Zealand!!!

Now we are back on track

Surely australia and new zealad havent escaped scot free? Tourism must be badly affected.

there is no tourism

even between states

The money ‘found’ for the banks was largely money we already had in the NPRF and money we borrowed from our future self via the promissory notes.

Not much use in present circumstances to pay people to hide under the bed. Luckily the money borrowed last year costs us nothing this year but will likely equate to a few hundred million per annum in ten years.

and fellas on here think they’ll be breathing Guinness fumes into each others faces at a gah match in May


Lads watching the fine print will see politicians reinforcing their pensions in preparation for what’s ahead.

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Brothers restaurant on the GOR reporting a very good holiday season - huge numbers of domestic tourism.


i would assume Qld suffered as a lot of Victorians & Cockroaches would head there for the winter

Speaking of which that uber prick RBB on newstalk yesterday suggesting that people’s private pensions should essentially be raided to pay for people without.

Great ocean road. Perhaps.

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