Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Where does your rage get you?

Maybe you’re right, but some lad in a garage in America got sick and I want answers

The Italians gave it to the Chinese

An interesting take I read is that once we vaccinate our over 70s and people with conditions and frontline medical staff we should donate our vaccines to poorer countries and open up and get on with it.

It would save a lot more lives and needs to be viewed as a global problem.


We need to reach the masses. The media won’t do it… Twitter is a waste of space, only a small percentage of weirdos post on it.

We need to write out a well thought out call to OIUTF and record a WhatsApp message and spread it. Remember those ones last year where lads knowingly said the army were to be unleashed and they went viral? Exactly that, but the opposite message.

Let’s make it happen.


In fairness they had 18 months to cover it up

Superb idea. If you could make it a woke rather than poverty related issue you’d get a lot more on board. Starving people have had their fair share of the limelight already

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I can see the journal fact check article explaining the its tom brady on an Irish sports forum and not NFL goat sending the disinformation already

They went over, had a look around, asked the lads in the lab was it them, they said no. Case closed. It must be something else so.

We need to switch the conversation. Why should rich countries get first access to vaccines. We need to remember our responsibility to the developing world and save lives. It’s madness a fit lad in his twenties in Ireland is vaccinated ahead of a lady in her 70s in Mozambique.


You’ve thrown the cat among the pigeons there


I’m happy to give up my shot for someone in the developing world.

Lads like @Bandage, struggling to complete 5k, might need to hold onto it tho … lung capacity not looking great.


I’m surprised the lab is even still there. I thought it would be bulldozed and every trace of it and anyone who worked in it would be gone.

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Despite the fact that they are saying that Covid is here to stay for years to come, they are going to vaccinate for herd immunity.

Goes to show you how they have moved this problem from the actual acute ones we face due to Covid, which at this point is really just hospital capacity.

It’s the disease of westerners, believing we can stop all mortality with social media believing we are the most special generation ever.


Lads thinking it started in Wigan last January need to spend 20 seconds thinking about evidence that it was in europe and south America the previous autumn. 20 minutes in @Julio_Geordio’s case

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Nice of you to get caught up mate. As usual I’m a leader not a follower.

This is the worst thing Wigan inflicted on the world

Rugby League is a super spreader

Why don’t ourselves and Britain employ a ‘2 island strategy’ till the end of this? Would solve the problem of the border

What do you really mean by that? Do you think the UK gives a fuck what happens here? They have their strategy: inject as many people as possible as fast as possible and hope for the best.