Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

London is a global city. The Brits arenā€™t going to lock it down to suit Paddy. And they rightly couldnā€™t care less about us.


She is some pain in the hole

Theyā€™re really just waiting for a half decent excuse to fuck off altogether

The U.K. will make a big play at getting US travel back ASAP imo.

When theyā€™re done that though and weā€™re still riddled it might suit them as otherwise weā€™ll be travelling into the North and riddling them again.

Do the pubs open in this scenario?

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Youā€™d have Justin Barrett in power within two years if 25 stone Bridie is out of puff after climbing a stairs because vaccines were given to Mohammed in Ethiopia.

Iā€™m a state of ambivalence at the moment. Other than the occasional longing to go for a pint, Iā€™ve pretty much switched off from it for the past 10 days.


The Europeans are telling the Brits to shove their vaccine up their hole

As long as Iā€™m alive FF, FG nor Sinn Fein will not get a vote off of me again for implementing this lockdown.


The Greens thank you for your 1st preferences.

Willie Oā€™Dea sent the Greens home with fair trade coffee in their mugs.

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Iā€™d say the Irish Freedom Party are the only anti lockdown party. The left wing parties are pro even more stringent lockdowns.

Yeah. And I donā€™t particularly want to vote for them. Iā€™ll just spoil the vote or something

Of course they are. Itā€™s socialist utopia.


Itā€™s definitely easier to cope with in January and February when there would usually be fuck all happening anyway

Just as an observation

We had 1640 deaths from March 15 (when Leo sounded the klaxon) to 1 June and we have had 1685 deaths from 1 December to now, roughly the same period.
Deaths per positive test were running at 1 per 15 from March to June and from December to February at a rate of 1 per 90. That would suggest many more young people testing positive in this wave and better treatment and much more testing.


a wet dream for them, total state control over every aspect of the population


Lefties always follow policies that harm the poor disproportionately and lockdowns are ideal for them


Just more testing capacity in general as well?