Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Hi Aoife.

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They think we can replicate New Zealand with a hard bout of zero covid. They see pictures on social media of people in New Zealand at concerts, holding hands in parks and cupping each othersā€™ balls at rubby matches and think we should have all that too.


The vaccine is not the silver bullet, we need lockdowns, social distancing and restrictions

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Exactly. And No pubs forever.

All except the rubby.

Heā€™s been on the ball about pretty much everything all through.

He did a mea culpa column after Christmas saying he was wrong to push so hard for a loosening of restrictions given the wave of infections that followed.

I think people hear ā€˜restrictionsā€™ and assume itā€™s a continuation of what we have now,

Weā€™re in cloud cuckoo land if we believe thereā€™s a chance we live without any restrictions for a couple more years, but I expect them to be minimal outside of large gatherings like gigs or sporting events and busy pubs, I could see 30k alllowed into Croke park but the pubs will be tricky

Mick Martin has confirmed in the DĆ”il now that the fine for non essential travel will be increased from ā‚¬500 to ā‚¬2,000 after travellers seemingly just baked the ā‚¬500 into their holiday cost. Tales from Dublin Airport last week that passengers accepted the fine and then continued on their merry way. The increased amount is meant to act as a disincentive if you will.

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Fair play. Although at the time no one predicted that level of spike. He hasnā€™t been all pro opening. He was calling for st. Patrickā€™s Day to be cancelled while the government was still dithering on it. I think heā€™s been measured and shown good judgement all through, along with a measure of empathy for people that isnā€™t shown by the zero coviders or the itā€™s all a cod TFK zealots.

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Which is fantastic when you look at it. Her complaining about what others are doing during Level 5 but was in a TV studio during the last Level 5. Under that tweet there she says itā€™s frustrating that she and others are ā€œdoing all we canā€ whilst others arenā€™t, like people going there work.

Lockdowns it seems are only for the little people. Herself and the Zero Covid types are ā€œconcernedā€ that traffic stats are up since last April. As weā€™ve all said before, this is because it is the depths of winter and scores of ā€œnon essentialā€ healthcare was closed last April. Their positions are ridiculous, they have no regard for what society and life actual is. Just Covid-19.


I think they have always been unhappy with their lives. The dreaded commute, keeping up pretences, socialisation i.e. the kind who say we must catch up for coffee but secretly hoping it never comes to pass. People used to be more nomadic but now lead more sedentary lifestyles. Happier to be reading the kindle in the sun room while staring out the window at their freshly planted herbs. Younger people happy to seek escapism by buying a PS5. I think the opposite might be true of people who contribute here. A lot of people seem aspirational, want to see the world, learn new things, push the boundaries. Thats why we see a particular view point here that perhaps is not shared to the same extent elsewhere. This pandemic reverts everyone to the mean. Those for who little has changed have self validation now. If it continues indefinitely they will have lost nothing only gained.


If 80% are vaccinated why maintain restrictions? I donā€™t get it. We could have events with rapid testing at the gate if there is still concern. We could have rapid testing at bars even.

TFK is fully of ballsy guys like @Mac


That thread is horrifying. Backs up my view of Irish Twitter

Iā€™d say she happily describes any visit to a tv studio/radio studio for her and her fellow travellers as ā€œessential work/travelā€

There is zero logic to it. The only logic is if you are going to pretend that nobody can get Covid ever.

ā€œFlatten the curve to save the hospitalsā€

It was absurd to open up at Christmas.

I told you that.

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