Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Yup. People going to a physical therapist or dentist appointment this time round are the reckless ones, apparently.

You did in fairness to you and in hindsight you could say you were right, because of the mutant UK strain.

Has she been on TV or radio lately? Surely she would contribute from home.

Big Duncan Smith tearing into the Healy Rae gombeens during the Covid debate earlier. The HRs argued that Labour’s aggressive suppression strategy was anti-worker.


August weekend kid.

Be ready.

The government did it in full knowledge a surge of cases were coming back in Jan and Feb and we were warned of another lockdown.

It was an idiotic decision. The “UK variant” only started to become dominant when the numbers began to drop, the variant is used as an excuse for govt to say “oh well we couldn’t see this coming”. Of course they could see it coming, they planned for Lockdown #3 after Christmas anyway, they didn’t think it would blow up in their face like it did though.

It was utterly idiotic and has the hallmarks of govt failings from day 1.

That was an awful thing from Ian Duncan Smith to say about a pair of harmless yerras.

This was her in November on RTÉ during Level 5

Bit of a PR blow for them I think, and all after they had got PR people involved

“You have to be playing with the theory of mind of your audience,” said Tomás Ryan, a neuroscientist at Trinity College Dublin and co-founder of Ireland’s “ISAG” group that hopes to persuade the Irish government to adopt a ZeroCovid policy, in a session on strategy. “We’ve made a lot of tactical errors. We didn’t give enough time to selling the reward, which is so we can be like New Zealand.” His ISAG colleague Aoife McLysaght, a professor in molecular evolution, agreed: “We were the merchants of doom for a while… we’ve had to change our messaging. So we are now saying: you can have hugs again. You can go to music festivals. That kind of thing.”

That’s an outrageous clamping


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The Irish state has now established a level of domination and control over its citizens that will never be relinquished.

Covid is good for RTE as they’ve coined it in on advertising revenue and have no financial interest in seeing it end. They are guaranteed to continue to spread misery, terrify elderly people and ramp up the negative at any sign of progress.

The state will do likewise. They will keep restrictions in place to cover for their woefully incompetent HSE and give Holohan a free hand as they’re clueless about what to do themselves. They have tied themselves to NPHET and further spancelled themselves to saying that this lockdown will be the last. Will it fuck - they know no better nor no different.

I said two months ago that an absolute bollix will be made of the vaccination programme. QED and it will get even worse. Wait until the time that we have sufficient vaccines - watch what they’ll do then.

We are looking at Level 5 type restrictions for the forseeable future and by that I mean well into the autumn time. By which time, of course there will be an uptick in Covid cases as the winter approaches.

Then we’ll need to stay the course, put on the green jersey and protect the vulnerable and our health service. All this against the backdrop of the first of a long series of austerity budgets that will look for the fillings out of your fucking teeth.

Don’t make plans, folks. There’s none to be made.


Who is 36 Carrickbracks IPhone A?

No idea. It was a Paul Murphy screenshot.

It’s like you can read my mind.

Assuming these vaccines work UK hospital admissions and serious covid illness will plummet in a few weeks. Boris will throw the yoke of covid off John Bull and aggressively open up every thing. We wont be long behind or there be civil war whatever the rate vaccinated.

It’s beyond the health service now.

The public are too immature to accept any negative impacts of Covid-19 now. The vaccine appears to have made this worse.

Things will only move when the likes of the UK and US start to.

“Samuel J McConkey” he typed that in for a zoom meeting :rofl:

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Is McConkey Church of Ireland?

J for Jonah

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Well, since there’s a surge every January and February they really should have known