Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

I genuinely don’t think that’s true.

We can’t have level 5 while the rest of Europe is at level 1 or 2 at most, it won’t fly.

We also won’t have austerity, there won’t be austerity across Europe and so we won’t have it here. Increased spending will be wound down, but we won’t be into austerity. Again, simple.

Basically, you have Stockholm syndrome, you are in it so long so are convinced it will always be this way.

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Ladybird that for me there biff

Yeah It was one of the first things I noticed. Not to be confused with the other Samuel McConkeys. Full of self importance.

I don’t think you quite understand the meaning of Stockholm syndrome.

I stand over my points. The state has exercised a level of control unprecedented in a western democracy. If I go shopping for my elderly and frightened parents I am subject to randomly having to account for my movements to a policeman who has the power to impose criminal penalty on me as he/she sees fit.

On austerity, who else is going to pay for 2 years of the 0.5 million welfare payments? The banks?, the multinationals?, the EU?

Are they fuck.

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OIUTF doesn’t mean pints and haircuts people just want resemblances of normal life and social contact

Ok, you do get that every other western democracy has the same measures in place because and it’s because we are in an unprecedented crisis?

The same with the bill for this. It’s a huge cost but it’s a once off huge cost, every EU country faces the same bill. We cover it by borrowing, and the EU has committed to providing the money at pretty much zero percent therefore it is free money.

I’m on the CUSP of cutting my own hair here

Where can we join this meeting ?

Just about to renew the blade 1 I got in early December.

Have already done the beard since the weekend.

I got a Zero Fade on Christmas Eve.

Tis far from a fade now :confused:

You need to relax. Log off.

The pubs as we knew them are gone, forever. Holohan will bury them. I love the way he plamases simpletons by saying he is fond of a pint himself

Then I’m out.


You can’t print money forever. The sooner lockdowns end or are relaxed, the sooner economies can recover and the sooner Government borrowing can reduce. There should be a spending increase because of the excess savings that people have accumulated through lockdown provided they have something to spend it on. But no one is going to bring back the private businesses that have gone bust.

What a shower of absolute cunts.
Samuel J. McConkey. Holy fuck.


All that is correct. But this is different to the austerity era, the main reason being we are not on our own here, every country is in the same boat.

I’m gone wild looking here. I’m thinking a 3 all over

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Which is precisely why we’re fucked if Fritz is laying down his towel on Spanish beaches and Holohan still has us trapped in a 5km zone.

Was the whole world not in a recession back then too? You’re right though not a hope of level 5 until autumn bar it all flares up again very bad with some new strain. As someone said it is literally as simple as whatever UK USA and Germany are doing well do.