Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Mac knows the score the goverment are a joke

Just watching Sky News there and by God they are in a buoyant mood on the mainland.

John Bull has the bit between his teeth while Paddy has a problem for every solution.


If you take the reasonable assumption the people not getting vaccinated because of this are the ones most likely to die because of covid and that it has been shown to be somewhat effective at least then the logical thing to do is give the most vulnerable the AZ vaccine immediately and if there’s an issue give them the Moderna or Pfizer as well when supply allows


Rte would have none of this sort of thing

Paddy loves to be oppressed

The Risks were ignored; “Assumptions” has been mistaken for “Actions” and is now the closest thing to an actual Project Plan; the Issues list is getting longer by the day and the Dependencies tab is used for ad-hoc calculations and notes.

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The news has been very gloomy this week but, I think, standing back from it that it’s not so grim as it seems.
First of all it appears that the vaccine is working in Israel although it’s early days yet but we should know more soon.
Secondly while all have hit snags AZ, Moderna and Pfizer are all ramping up production. We should start get large chunks of all three or at least Pfizer and AZ next month.
I don’t see how or where the HSE have come up with the timeline of over 70s being done by mid June. If that is the case it will be a massive failure on their part, as it seems the supply to have it done will be here long before that even without AZ.
In addition, let’s says it is the end of May by the time they get over 70s done and AZ isn’t used to do so, then they should have the next cohort say 60-70 year olds plus all frontline workers done by the end of April and be starting on over 50s and other vulnerable at the same time they are finishing over 70s. So by the end of May we should have all over 60s done basically and be well into the remaining at risk categories.
J&J should be starting to arrive in quantity at this stage as well and that will be a huge game changer in terms of getting the job finished. John Bull will be wrapped up at that stage so that supply will be available also. I don’t see how barring abject failure on the HSEs part we shouldn’t be nearing completion of practically all remotely at risk people by the end of June.
At this stage I don’t see any reason why everything isn’t opened up, assuming the vaccine works. We will also be in the summer and it seems to be very much a seasonal illness. We can’t miss the summer window again to allow businesses to make money, there’s no excuse for it. Be it outdoor drinking and eating or whatever it needs to be. The summer window should allow us to open up while we finish off the rest of the vaccinations.

There’ll still be restrictions no doubt of some sort. They’ll be wary of crowds for a while yet but other countries will have them back by then and pressure will start to mount.

I can see travel being limited still but within an EU wide bubble, maybe with the US and a few more thrown in as well. There’s no way the Spanish, Greeks, Italians etc are putting down another summer with no tourists.
So we can either stand as outliers or tow the EU line. There’ll be pressure on us to fall in and by that stage the risks should be low. The north will be wide open at that stage you’d imagine which will make any nonsense down here impractical.

The only real fly in the ointment is the idea that the vaccine doesn’t work on the South African variant and other new variants that may pop up. But this is going to be a game of whackamole like the flu, new vaccine every year job. At some point we just have to bite the bullet and get on with it.

The NZ model seems attractive at the moment if more or less impossible for here, but how the fuck do they ever get out of it. If the vaccine doesn’t work nothing will, so they’ll be locked off on their own forever.

Anyway. It’s vaccine or bust now.

I think the rollout will be like the man who was asked how he went bankrupt, slowly at first and then all of a sudden. We are closer to the end than the beginning I think. We have to be because we can’t afford it to be any other way


I hope you are right Julio :pray:

I can taste the warm cans of cider in the dog track in Thurles

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Full Level 5 restrictions in place until after Easter but schools and construction likely to reopen

When did he do that? Must have been decades ago

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Anything reported in the last few days on when the EU central bank will slow down the borrowing?
That is the real lever for a new normal, one which could have the look and feel of 10 years ago. Positions will change when public service jobs finally face reality.


Based following the Israelis opening up plan the Brits will be opened up by end of May. But given the rate of vaccination in Ireland it will probably be September.

Pay cuts and redundancies?

That’s April 5th… Another 6.5 weeks away. Can’t see people not cracking before then… The few people I’d meet around the place out walking or at work are all starting to feel it and are at a low point. I think the mood is changing and if we get a shit if spring weather in the next few weeks this lockdown is done.

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What do you mean by lockdown is done? Do you think the shops and pubs will open up?

The ECB will continue to buy bonds from individual member states for another 2 years at least. The EU are also borrowing themselves on behalf of some of the less creditworthy countries like Italy and Spain.
Will be around 10 years before the borrowing for Covid hits the paypacket of the regular Joe.

People will start calling to friends and family. They’ll let their kids mix. The younger people that were actually being obedient will start mixing. People will break the 5k to meet and see family etc.

Maybe they’ve baked this into expectation and are ok with it given the improved situation in hospitals. The junta have probably copped that Paddy will be 50% obedient so stick him in level 5 and get a de facto Level 3.