Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

The recent high levels of compliance need to be placed in context - it was January and its now February. Historically months where society do not overindulge,


I think that more of the people are getting increasingly frustrated, but there is a significant number that want zero covid. I think because they’ve been terrified. It’s not just those that have safe jobs as the TFK cognoscenti scoff as nauseum, it’s people whose jobs are likely not to come back anyway as well. Anyway the government is trying to thread a line between both groups, and continue to balance safety and the economy. They’re still scared shitless after the Christmas spike, and rightly so. The article below acknowledges they’re aware of the public mood and that indefinite lockdown isn’t sustainable.

What’s going to get us out of this is the international context. We’re not going to be the first to open up anything in the EU, but we will follow when others do, because people won’t put up with not having the same freedoms the rest of Europe do, but also because it doesn’t make sense to maintain restrictions when it will have been shown they’re not needed.


And because people got the shit frightened out of them by the Christmas spike?

I’ve started to see gangs of kids on bikes again in the last couple of days. That was the signal that lockdown 1 was coming to an end last May.


My group of friends would have been mainly very compliant up to now, but getting a real sense after the relentless negativity from Government and media this week that people are very close to packing it in. Already talks of meeting outdoors for drinks in the next few weeks, tradesmen going back doing jobs etc.

That seems to be happening already to me anyway. Hard to get an idea of how much though as everyone is keeping it on the low down. I presume every fella here with kids is still calling to friends houses and meeting cousins etc?

I saw a game of soccer on the green last Saturday which I hadn’t seen in yonks…

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Yes. I agree. But I wonder how long that will last.

I think there are a lot of people who are currently willing to see these restrictions out, as they feel this will be the last level 5, and they are tired of the flip-flopping. Most people will have some issue with the restrictions - some for very serious reasons (loss of income/work or not being allowed to visit sick/dying relatives or even relatives that are fit and healthy), and others perhaps less serious but nonetheless not trivial (social interaction, pints, sports, going outside the 5km for exercise (which is the restriction that I break once a week)).

However, I think @farmerinthecity probably hit the nail on the head there. It’s relatively easy to do that kind of thing in January/ February. It’s going to be much tougher as the evenings get longer. I think most of us expected that the restrictions would carry on until after Easter, but I’d imagine there are still people worrying about what happens when April 12th rolls around. Could we get another 4 weeks added on? What’s going to happen with PUP - will it extended also (I hope so or we’re fecked if not)?

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With regards to zero covid i am confused. In say 2 months will we nearly be down to zero covid?

Restrictions will continue well after April 12th, as will the PUP - we’ll pay dearly for that down the road.

Have you noticed that, as vaccine production ramps up across Europe, the timeline for vaccinating people in this country grows longer and longer?

Holohan was quite happy to bat away questions about the vaccine to NIAC several weeks ago. He has now overrruled them and will continue to do so with impunity as he sees fit.

Once the healthcare workers and elderly and vulnerable groupings have immunity the level of infection and transmission becomes largely irrelevant.


The restrictions will be long after it, but I meant what happens if they turn around on April 12th and say we are staying in level 5 for another while lads

The cases are not ever going to go less than 500 or so, one would think. Situation for this happening has never been better than the past few weeks but they are still not shifting, nor wont.

If they haven’t made significant progress by April, particularly on the vaccine front then there will be mutiny.

We’ll suck it up as we have always done. RTE will unleash a plague of fear.

We have been assimilated. We have allowed ourselves to be gulled and defeated.

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I agree. The vaccine was the carrot dangled in front of people, but I can see a lot of people who have towed the line revolting if they fuck that up significantly (and it is the HSE we are talking about so anything could happen)

What will happen?

Nothing will happen.

Nice avatar mate :ok_hand:

If there is hope it lies with the lads on BMXs