Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Cheers mate, well played yourself…

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Holohan has to answer questions about that Irish Times article. Particularly considering what WHO said recently.

Someone has to ask it first though.


We could have a day of having zero covid cases but never consistently

Correct, but they won’t be let.

There’s no Government advertising revenue in asking about the emperor’s new clothes.

Can someone post that up

I think if anything we’ve seen how incredibly willing people are to give up their rights completely. They were worried we wouldn’t last three weeks at the start. We’ll be at it for over a year shortly

We have no politicians or journalists with backbone… None of them are willing to stick their head above the parrot pit.


My 94 year old auntie got a call about the vaccines a few days ago asking if she could come to the GP surgery to get it.

She has been housebound for well over a year. Can barely move with artrithis. GP is understandably wary given the storage issues with Pfizer and Moderna.

Holohan vetoed the advice of NIAC on this issue potentially needlessly creating this massive issue.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Correct. The long-term damage will be the result of our state shifting from policing by consent to policing by unquestioned authoritarianism.

I thought it was a very clever pun myself, so I did.


All happily repeating their masters squawks

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Chaps, I mentioned a week or two back that a grandaunt of mine got the Covid.
She is 100 (I incorrectly aged her at 101). However, she’s currently kicking the fucking thing to touch. She had her first jab of the vaccine about a week before she got the virus, and they reckon that’s what has saved her. A little old West Limerick woman up in the capital, who was never taller than 5 ft :brendan: :brendanback:


I’d a good aul giggle at that.

If you haven’t watched it…
Sir Charles Walker could free Ireland on his own.

True about the EU but there are countries who have actually started to open up, @balbec posted about some restrictions being lifted a couple of weeks ago.

Expect to hear ‘cautious and conservative’ line ad nauseam over coming weeks

Good morning.

Though it is four weeks away, attention in Government is turning to what happens after the current lockdown expires on March 5th, and how many of the current restrictions can be lifted. Don’t get your hopes up: the Taoiseach stressed yesterday that the bulk of restrictions would be staying in place after March 5th, telling his parliamentary party last night that a period of prolonged suppression of the virus is in store, as Harry McGee reports .

And despite assertions by both Tánaiste Leo Varadkar and the Minister for Housing Darragh O’Brien in recent days that construction would reopen on March 5th, there was pointedly no reference to this by Mr Martin yesterday when he told the Dáil that there would be no “significant reopening” in March. Many people in and around Government expect no great relaxation of restrictions until Easter. Expect to hear the “cautious and conservative” line ad nauseam over the coming weeks.

In fact, the focus in Government is as much on tightening up restrictions as it is on planning for reopening. The legislation for mandatory hotel quarantine is due next week and officials are currently wrestling with the details, as our lead story reports this morning.

There is better news on schools, however. Special schools reopen today, while the teaching unions – or some of them, anyway – edge toward co-operation with a more general reopening. Carl O’Brien reports this morning on what is the only question for many parents .

The Dáil also debated zero-Covid yesterday, as Marie O’Halloran reports . But while there was much talk from Opposition TDs of the benefits of achieving zero-Covid, there was much less detail about what would be required to get there. My analysis of the Government’s cautious creep towards reopening, and its rejection of zero-Covid, is here .

Jennifer Bray has a guide to the emerging quarantine plans while Miriam Lord’s take on yesterday’s exchange is here . Meanwhile, there is continuing concern about the level of people returning home from holidays, as Cormac McQuinn reports .


The Greens continue to struggle with the realities of Government. The EU’s free trade deal with Canada – which the Dáil is due to vote on – is a festering sore, with significant opposition within the Greens conflicting with the acceptance of the political leadership and the parliamentary party that they will just have to swallow it. But Eamon Ryan eked out some breathing space yesterday when the Government agreed to refer the issue to an Oireachtas committee for examination, further postponing a vote. Ryan had to backtrack , however, on his reluctance of sign off on a new road in the Moyross area in Limerick (roads were always going to be a flashpoint) but he has made progress in efforts to tackle atmospheric pollution . Win-lose-compromise. Such is life in a coalition.


Lots of Government legislation in the Dáil today, and there’s Leaders’ Questions at 12 due to be taken by Leo Varadkar. Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly will take questions on the vaccine rollout at 1pm. The full schedule, including three committees meeting in private session, is here .

There are briefings by the HSE and by Nphet scheduled for the afternoon and evening.

In Washington, the impeachment trial of Donald Trump continues . Michael Gove and Maros Sefcovic meet in London amid continuing fallout from the EU’s aborted attempt to trigger article 16 of the Northern Ireland protocol and trade difficulties between Great Britain and the North.

And there is snow forecast for the east of the country. So wrap up.

Finally, it’s a year since the general election. Some ruminations and sundry windbagging on the subject on this week’s podcast, available here , or wherever you get your podcasts, as they say.

CC @Julio_Geordio

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England will have 50 percent of its population vaccinated by the end of may.

Ireland probably won’t have the over 70s done.

Casinos are opening here today! The hotels are back from tomorrow at 50% occupancy (mar dhea). Not a peep about the schools though. We’re at about 100 cases per 100k population for the last two weeks.

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