Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

There has never been so many empty beds.

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He’s from Cark ffs

“Sinn Féin needs to apologise for the IRA, warns taoiseach”

FFS sake.


Silver linings

Unreal,but sure you’ll have blueshirts lapping this shit up

Jaysus. Can’t fathom all the angles of that to swallow. A dose, beyond doses.

But yep, still a cunt.


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They will kiss ass as well as FF and FG . Remember these guys have been fleecing corporate America for the guts of a quarter of a century to pay lads back in west Belfast to paint Che/ Fidel & Sandista murals on walls in west Belfast

The whole Mick political class is all part of the same hypocrisy .

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Plenty of people crippled out there paying big money to nursing homes for their folks, trying and obligated to do the right thing, and this has happened twice.

The unspoken word is that they’re a casualty of war.

Do Not Resuscitate orders given in the UK for people with ‘learning difficulties’. Horrible times.


I think there’s a revolution brewing and the media aren’t covering it. Definitely amongst people my age anyway. The news this week has changed the mood.

This is the first time I’ve women in their 30s telling me that they’re going to be in menopause before this is all over and asking me what we should do. Basically all the stuff I’ve been talking about for a year. People worried about 5 years of restrictions and never going to events ever again. Once the good weather comes things will get interesting.


I’m totally bet.

I think very very few people with young children are sticking to these regulations like they were in march and April. I’m definitely not sure though. An anonymous poll would be interesting.

It’ll definitely fall apart over the next few weeks with the yoof. There’s nothing out there in the community but all it takes is someone who shares a house with a nurse/meat packer at a party in Wexford/Mayo/Waterford to pass on the Roinn A South African Big Balls Virus and we go again.

@Tank I hope you’re very grateful of talking to women in their 30’s regualrly these days. It’s a great age for a woman, and it’s a privilege to you surely?

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Ffs tank. Thems the ones that will haunt you

we’ve covered this to death by now, until May last year people had the kids locked away in LD1 grand… this time around nobody is at it , kids are all about and about and over to houses and what not, again even per government school was closed to prevent a twice daily mass movement of people not to keep kids apart…any parent isolating their kids needs reporting to tulsa


I still only think 2 or 3 parents here have admitted this is happening. Could you set up a poll?

A lot longer than a quarter century. Back in the 80s Gerry had Republican (GOP) Congressmen lining up to shake his hand and have their picture taken with him when he got off the plane in NY and yanks would be throwing money at him. These people would be as anti-commie as you’d find, but were completely oblivious to SFs politics.


It’s a cod and we all know it’s a cod but we’ll all keep the pretence up because we know of a friends cousins mother who died of it aged 86 and don’t want to be called a granny murderer.

It’s a sick facade that’s been constructed - kids in masks, school cancelled, fines for leaving your house - all to sate the curtain twitcher types of society.


I despair

Dreamland . Keep shaking that magic money tree.