Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Thatā€™s really upset my Sunday morning

The people have spoken. As Iā€™ve said, get it down to a very low level and thenā€¦boomā€¦zero covid for 12-18 months.


Wtf :man_facepalming: BEGIN to reopen.
Daily mail too. Jesus tfk is so far out of touch its a joke.

Are lads beginning to come apart at the seems again?

Bring the PUP down to ā‚¬150 a week and do the poll again




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Fella from the WHO on Andrew Marr here. Iā€™d say this report will be a complete whitewash

Surely they wonā€™t get fooled again.


Was it the genocide guy?

Only morons take polls. Thats the opinion of morons

No it was a mild mannered English chap Professor John Watson.

Sure @Tank already has a Brazilian strain of offspring. At least if he came out of lockdown with South African, English and Chinese* strains of sprogs hed have achieved something.

*original flavour

If Joe Public are believed we are looking at July. Going off last year, positivity rates hit a low of 0.3% per seven days. At 7000 tests or below you are approaching the magic figure of 20 cases. Only seasonality and vaccines can save us

They still have the looks but they have a little wisdom and experience to go with it. I have some great friends ladies in their 30s.

By August there are 2 ways the social scene could look like: one is my mates are staying over in Belfast once a fortnight or the other is a massive shebeen and speakeasy scene like 1920s prohibition USA, or maybe some combination of the 2.

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By the way it looks like no pub or club with any borrowings whatsoever will survive the year.

Iā€™ve mentioned this before, Iā€™d say itā€™s different from area to area, but my feeling is that in more deprived areas thereā€™s no boundaries, Iā€™ve seen this with my own eyes and itā€™s what I hear from kids I deal with.
In most other areas, I get this from my own area and talking to family, friends and colleagues, kids generally play away with other kids in the neighbourhood, but only outside, nobody counts numbers, but very few are going into other houses,
The kids who call to out door wouldnā€™t make any moves to come in like they would before

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Oh my the way, Iā€™ve gotten eye witness reports that St Maryā€™s in Rathmines (alma mater of the great Johnny Sexton) had the lads out practicing rugby on the front pitch, right beside the road, all through lockdown and nothing was done to them. Rugby is a law unto itself. (They were right though)

ā€œPoor people are too tick to social distanceā€