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It is not awful, it is the plain truth. Unpalatable for some with guilty consciences though.

Arguably the most stupid comment Iā€™ve ever seen on here.

Who do you think regulates private nursing homes?
Whose policies do you think licensed private nursing homes?


Iā€™d have a issue with none of those being brought to task legally for contempt of care. HSE should be looking into that side of things.

But, you canā€™t see the issue. You only see the negative to attach to government or Health authorities

Have you made that decision? My mother cared for my grandmother for years. Often up at nights to go in and out to help if there was a fall etc. It was an awful decision to make but she couldnā€™t provide the care that was needed. My grandfather is in one now, with palliative care, there is no way my mother could care for him too considering for years hes refused help or even to take his own medication. Its very unfair to make statements like that if you have not been in the situation. Some people can provide the care and they deserve to be commended but people who cannot and reach out for help shouldnā€™t be vilified. We can all agree that the nursing home system needs and overhaul as it is not fit for purpose


@carryharry is right here (sort of). The government should shoulder some blame and certainly be held to account, especially seeing as over 1600 of its citizens have died in these facilities.

But the nursing home owners are getting a hell of a free pass here. They are charging a small fortune to keep people in their facilities. They need to be held to account. Perhaps when RTE are finished blaming people going on a flight or not charging 9 euro meals with a pint, they might get around to looking into it


Itā€™s government policy to put these facilities and services into the private sector which is concerned with bottom line and quality of care provided.

Itā€™s the government who regulate these facilities. If you refuse to see that then you are the one with the serious issues here. The government openly facilitate these private interests to do as they please, what have the govt done on it? Nothing. Why? Because they donā€™t give a damn, itā€™s their policy and they couldnā€™t give a toss what happens in these homes, they wanted shot of it and are happy with the kickbacks from privatizing this sector.

Health and care services should never be in the private sector. But itā€™s an area where the private sector can make big money so FFG hawk it off there for something in return.

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And who has created the environment to allow this disgraceful situation develop? The nursing home owners are cunts alright. But FFG enable them.


Free pass from who?

Thatā€™s right. The government.


And happily enable them at that. In fact you would no doubt have your FFG politicians come out and defend them if the case arose, both parties will stay quiet on this issue though as it suits them.

At the end of the day, these private nursing homes would not exist only for FFG policy.

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Sent their parents to a home and the children to a creche

Iā€™m not arguing that point. But itā€™s scummy behavior from the owners too and very few are making a big deal of it in the media. Itā€™s over half the deaths weā€™ve had.

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It is but the only reason itā€™s not being commented on is because ultimately itā€™s the government that is responsible for them and focus on this issue brings the government whose policies and lack of regulation here are the ultimate reason it occurred in the first place.

So keep quiet and ultimately the nursing homes and govt win. The media are absolutely petrified of SF getting in so they are burying pretty much anything that reflects poorly on the govt.

Itā€™s a unique situation in the free state, for the first time in the history of the state, you now have a case where FFG are in power together and they donā€™t have an identical replacement to step into the power breach if the govt falls. The establishment are shitting bricks.

Look mate. Park the bullshit.

Whats bullshit? Your saying people shouldnā€™t put loved ones in nursing homes without even considering their situation. Just because your alright Jack doesnā€™t mean you can shit on others

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Ah itā€™s harsh alright. Iā€™ve a very close relative in a nursing and I understand the anguish on all sides.

But she gets top class care and to call all NH owners scum bags is outrageous.


Itā€™s the way it is here right?

You couldnā€™t generalise about something like that, probably shouldnā€™t either as itā€™ll be very close to the bone for some

Not a situation Iā€™ve had to deal with, maybe in the future with the in laws, my wife would say never and Iā€™d say sheā€™ll stick to that if it ever comes up, Iā€™m sure some of the the homes are fine establishments

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Hopefully mate its not a decision you donā€™t have to make but attacking people that do is uncalled for. Genuine questions should be around level of care, the irish government policy to allow a majority of care in the private sector and the funding of private care and oversight on the operations of homes. Like most things the ordinary citizens of Ireland have been shafted in this industry along with the workers

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Are we saying we want the black hole of cash and bastion of inefficiency the HSE in charge of care homes as well?

Complete over haul. HSE are a disaster but oversight is also a disaster

Iā€™ve always thought the standard of slop they dish out in hospitals in Ireland as meals was a good measure of how little a fuck was given by HSE management