Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

He’s a wanker.


Quick math there of Sweden’s over 65 deaths would be c. 3,640 in Irish population and demo terms so we’re peaking above them there.

We probably are overcounting deaths vs them though, the under 65 numbers would suggest that. Logically more investigation is going into under 65s cause of death so I assume our number is a little more solid there and proportionally isn’t as bad as theirs.

Overall point would be though that we won’t end up being all that different. Will be the same all over depending on vaccine rolllout effectiveness, @Tierneevin1979 has made this point consistently.

Who is the biggest cunt employed by rte:

  • Tubridy
  • Claire Byrne
  • Joe Duffy
  • George Lee
  • Richie Sadlier
  • Brendan o Connor

0 voters

No you need to compare Sweden with Norway and Ireland with New Zealand otherwise it’s a meaningless comparison.

Are we back round to Sweden doing well again? :smiley::smiley:

Sweden doing similar/ better numbers than many lockdown countries brings the weirdos straight out of the woodwork


Back to the stuff about Swede’s all living alone and not socialising again I guess.

Lads have Stockholm syndrome with lockdowns now. They can’t bear to think of them not working or not being necessary.

The Swedes are doing better than loads of locked-down countries.

We’ll just put our heads in the sand and continue with lockdowns anyway.

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A cork man defending a cork man. Jaysus I never saw it coming

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“Fuckest thou off you fusty crotch of wankerness”
The Twelfth Night

All ok bud?

The mask is slipping

It’s all Shakespeare innit?

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An academic exercise cc @Tim_Riggins


If waterford whispers produced that headline you wouldn’t blink


Is Martin the thickest mother fucker to ever hold Taoiseach?


He has to go

Contract tracing why have why tried that before

According to a graph and a few lines on excel they’re doing great. Wonderful stuff. :smiley::smiley:

He has been totally captured by this shit now. This was something that should have been done when we didn’t have vaccines. Now he is continuing to talk about amping up the invasive public health measures when we have them.

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