Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

I heard on the radio about a barber offering their services through onlyfans. Unfortunately I turned it off before I could hear whether he was cutting hair, showing his knob, or some combination of the two.

My mate seems to think that the lad on grindr might be offering more services than just a trim.

Funny as that is, the current 5km travel restriction is as stupid, but the majority seem to have accepted that.

That started off as a Waterford Whisper News story and now the cops in England are stopping and questioning people with fresh haircuts.

Both are breaking the law for the haircut transaction, only one breakng the law for the riding. The mentallers will be all for gay rights now.

As I said Iā€™d say most people are letting them play away but Iā€™m not sure. Would be interested to know. People are kind of keeping it secret from those they donā€™t know. My Mrs gets the eldest girl to lie on her zoom call and when writing her weekly news about her close contacts which probably isnā€™t the best lesson to be giving a child. The whole thing is absolutely fucking ridiculous the more you think about what weā€™ve been reduced to :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

grand bit of sun there now,
weā€™ll get planet maths, sounds make words and ceim ar ceim done and then i dont want to see this fella back here until at least half 2

Donā€™t be a tyrant , Itā€™s mid term pal ā€¦


These Poll results are what happens when you give zero covid zealots unfettered access to airwaves and allowing them to go unchallenged.

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Outrage (of the largely manufactured variety) on Newstalk over a Patrickā€™s day rave for 5000 people being advertised online.

just thurs and Friday for us
ffsā€¦im about to file these books in the bin


Whereā€™s it on?


Kildare, I canā€™t go

A warehouse somewhere in Kildare or Dublin.

God save the Queen.

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What about the need for social distancing in le pubs? Hopefully itā€™s out to fuck. I want to stand and drink in my ale in a crowded bars this summer

Pints pints pints

Here come the good times

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Oh Hampden in the Sun

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@Bandage the downwards plateau continues