Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Paddy is always looking for obstacles and never focuses on solutions.

OK things must be bad if Charlie Flanagan is complaining about rte being negative


Charlie is the man to lead this country back to the good times.

It’s nearly over boys. Nearly fucking there :pint:

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Are we really allowed outside in the summer time ? 3 months away?

No fan of Ryaner but at least he answered

No doubt he will soon regret engaged with Ewan

Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

Only if you are good

Will you sneak me in paddy’s night boss? I’ve to travel to Galway that day .

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I certainly will old friend

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It’s my 51st birthday on the 13th. Shur between ailments and lockdown, I didn’t get a chance to celebrate the 50th. Itll be a nice little consolation

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Check your texts

I’m struggling to understand how they think we could possibly have a summer with more restrictions than last summer


thats my thinking too. It peaked here last April, but yet Summer wasnt all bad. Now with numbers plateauing downwards consistently and a vaccine roll out, 2 months behind last years peak and they are projecting a worse summer? Makes no sense to me.

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Why, what’s the soundings now ?

I think people have lost their minds and are still scared about what happened at Christmas.

I maybe all wrong but I’ve a feeling things will be open up a lot by the may bank holiday. The panic will disappear and a fair Chunk of vaccinating will also be done.

If someone took out the RTE satellite we’d be open within a month.


It’s no longer in the government’s control when we will open up. It’s all down to numbers vaccinated and whatever taoiseach Tony advises.

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You’ve been very inconsistent throughout all of this. I’m not sure you’re a credible analyst.

Na that’s not true. When things start to open up all around the world the pressure will become too much and they won’t want to keep paying people to stay at home.

Once the schools go back the ball is burst.

The wheel will turn, and quicker than people realise.

Just wait. It’s coming.