Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Its frightening to think that someone like Tomas Ryan and his sidekick Sam McDonkey have had the stage unchallenged for a year. Yet someone like Ewan Mckenna comes along, asks him a question and it would be already obvious to a complete idiot with a mallet up his hole that Tomas Ryans answer has no basis in reality in the real world.


That may be true. But in my book Ewan doesn’t pay tax here and has no fucking right to be sticking his oar in…

i couldnt give two fucks what happens at the summer tbh
just get the kids back in school and we’ll all be grand
this thing is here with us until at least 2024 based on the current trends, mood music and THE WISHES OF THE FUCKING POPULATION WHO ASKED YES FUCKING ASKED FOR THE COUNTRY TO BE LOCKED DOWN AS THEY ALL THOIUGHT THEY WERE GOING TO FUCKING DIE IN JANUARYT DESPITE HAVING SEEN FOR 9 MONTHS THE WORST YOU COULD EVEN HOPE FOR WAS A STUFFY NOSE…ahem, so we may as well just get on with the very important restrictions such as primary school closures and a ban on sport, especially 7 years olds playing soccer for this boutique flu that exclusively only impacts geriatrics.
thats its lads really
people should be fucking ashamed of themselves.

in fairness to varadkaar he fucking tried but no joe public as he was “afraid” and the scum on the “left” rowed in behind Hoolahan just to score a few political points to be seen to be going against a minister



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Huh? Neither does JP and you’ve your cock rammed up his hole you soup taking cunt.



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ah here…

If Ewan was employed by a publisher here would he not pay tax here?

I have a very low opinion of this Thomas Pringle character. A TD from Donegal who thinks we could have Zero-Covid. He doesn’t want to mention that New Zealand is currently under lockdown of course. Or discuss what Zero Covid will mean for his constituents in Donegal.

I’m 100% disillusioned with Irish politics. I don’t think I really respect a single one of them, except possibly Leo and Big Jim.

The mood is turning. We’re on the platypus of significant change.

Let’s see what politicians jump on board the train early.

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He has learnt his lessons… that’s all you can ask of any man

What year were those photos taken?

The government forcing international travellers to self isolate, implementing track and tracing and considering a zero covid approach. If it was feb 2020 you’d be seriously impressed.

Instead it’s feb 2021 and they are actually Managing to look even more clueless now than at any other point of the pandemic.


Perth never gets a mention but they are literally back to normal. They are living the zero covid dream in a big way. We could be too if it wasn’t for the plantation of ulster

Mentallers on Panorama now.

Ah I dont know. Not for the first time, I’m typing pure scutter. Must be the effect of the good weather today

Well, the overpaid tax paying RTE presenters are not asking the hard questions.

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Pay no heed to @balbec. He lashes out at me sometimes too. Tell him to shove his thump up his Eastern Blokhole

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