Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Nah, he was right. It was an utter stones of a post.

These vaccination centres aren’t the only places where you’ll be able to get a vaccine.

GPs, pharmacies and dentists will be giving it out.



The EU is falling apart

Diplomatic row breaks out as Germany closes Czech and Austrian borders over virus mutations

Vienna has accused Berlin of a ‘provocation’ while France has warned against unilateral closures

ByJustin Huggler BERLIN15 February 2021 • 3:52pm

Some 5,000 people were turned away from Tyrol's border with Germany

Some 5,000 people were turned away from Tyrol’s border with Germany CREDIT: Lennart Preiss/Getty Images Europe

A diplomatic row has broken out after Germany closed its borders with the Czech Republic and the Austrian region of Tyrol in a bid to prevent the spread of coronavirus mutations.

France warned Germany not to take any similar measures at its border without consulting Paris first as Austria accused Angela Merkel’s government of a “provocation”.

The Austrian government summoned the German ambassador at the weekend to protest what it described as “unnecessary measures that do more harm than good”, and German carmakers have warned the closures could lead to delays in the supply of parts and force a slowdown at their factories.

There were reports of three-hour queues at the border between Germany and the Czech Republic on Monday after the closures went into effect , and almost 5,000 people had been turned away by early afternoon.

Only German citizens, foreign residents and essential workers are currently allowed to cross the border — and they must have a negative PCR test no more than 48 hours old. There are no exceptions for regular cross-border commuters.

Germany ordered the closures last week amid concern at the high incidence in the Czech Republic and Tyrol of newer coronavirus variants that are feared to be more infectious.

Drivers seeking to enter Germany from the Austrian province of Tyrol

Drivers seeking to enter Germany from the Austrian province of Tyrol CREDIT: Lennart Preiss/Getty Images Europe

While the worst delays have been at the German-Czech border, it is the restrictions with Austria that have caused the bigger row. Vienna, which has already imposed internal travel restrictions on Tyrol, argues the move is excessive.

“The corona pandemic and its effects must be dealt with at an objective level. Pointing the finger at the state of Tyrol is more of a provocation than a suitable measure to contain the pandemic,” Karl Nehammer, the Austrian interior minister said.

The region is at the crossroads of Europe, and even Slovakia, which has no border with Germany, has protested at the knock-on effect for its supply chains.

There is speculation Germany could order a similar move at its border with France after the region of Moselle recorded a high incidence of the South African variant.

Clement Beaune, the French Europe minister, called on Monday for discussions with German regional leaders “to avoid any nasty surprises”, adding: “There must be no decision that is not coordinated”.

“Controls in the heart of Europe are always the last resort, an absolute exception,” Horst Seehofer, the German interior minister, said. “We will get back to normal as soon as possible, but at the moment the controls are necessary to protect our health.”

“The fear of coronavirus mutations is understandable, but the truth is that the virus cannot be stopped by closed borders, Stella Kyriakides, the European Union’s health commissioner said.

But her comments were dismissed by Stephan Mayer, Mr Seehofer’s deputy at the German interior ministry, who said: “Germany doesn’t need any instructions from Brussels”.

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They are wondering on rte tonight “should we dare to be optimistic?” :joy::joy:

If lads think this is an “ Ego Trip “ you really need to check yourselves in.


Ciara Phelan Profile picture

Ciara Phelan

40m, 4 tweets, 1 min read

My Authors

A number of reporters/political correspondents were refused access to a briefing held by Min Stephen Donnelly today on logistics around the vaccine roll-out. 1/4

Media were selected in advance & told it was for health correspondents only. Reporters who were selected but were not working were not allowed to send a replacement. 2/4

Some political correspondents were still refused access by a spokesperson for the Minister despite having consistently covered vaccine roll-out & weekly NPHET + HSE briefings. 3/4

A standoff ensued & access only granted to reporters after one senior journalist intervened and said they would not attend the briefing unless all reporters present were given access. 4/4


You’re right harry. Politics and ego just dont mix…and luke was lepping around in a giant balloon in a desperate heroic search for a scientific breakthrough. And not one of them are earning a shilling out of any of this.
It really is the most selfless affair I’ve ever witnessed, and I include RHI in that…


You wonder why they try stuff like this - usually ends up backfiring and making a story out of nothing.

A Pulitzer for everyone who was excluded

Looks like the Listowel Races in September for the first sup cc @peddlerscross

I’m refusing to give up on Derby Weekend in June.

Fair play to paddy Christie :clap::clap: first principal or teacher Ive heard coming out publicly to say OIUTF
Great point too about the silent voices who aren’t on social media etc


I sincerely doubt that.

How the fuck did claire cope?

Ah he was brilliant. Pitched it perfectly for the audience totally reasonable and had a suit a little bit too big for him that made him more relatable.
Tide is 100pc turning they know they are not getting away with the relentless negativity any more.


That’s all I need to hear. Just gun down the government and put him in charge