Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

You’d have to feel we’re on the Back 9 on Sunday now.

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I’m glad you’ve finally started to relax.

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Are we McIlroy?


Lad on the radio saying we’ll have more restrictions than last summer.

How the hell can that make sense when we’ve a vaccine on the go?

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Students in Galway and Limerick have the place riddled according to Morning Ireland

Turn off the radio.

We can’t afford sense right now

Is it burning out? Global cases falling dramatically.

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Plus masks were not mandatory until July and we did not have mandatory quarantine. You couldn’t make it up.

Mad that this happened when all the “new” killer variants emerged


Are you suggesting a respiratory disease peaked in the winter and has started pettering out in Spring time?


Proof that lockdown works :grinning:

India is an interesting one as I assume they have been as good as OIUTF there all along and yet its fizzling out.

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Just shows these lockdowns were a crock of shit


Lads, what about Sweden?

Ah now. I can’t see the link between the seasons and the increase/decrease at all.

Lat night, Panorama showed a few clips of a video that had been doing the rounds on social media. 30 odd mental medics going on about Covid being a cod and telling lies about the vaccine. I’d say a trawl of these threads would see most of them held up as being bastions of common sense. It didn’t show all the recording but I imagine there were a lot of graphs and back of a fag box type calcs on an excel spreadsheet too.

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