Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

We need to listen to the calm, sensible medics who predicted hundreds of thousands of deaths and want people trapped in their homes indefinitely


Dublin gaa is just a conveyor belt that produces leaders that can diversify into any area…


I’m sure there’s a commonsensical middle ground, I’m often reminded of the Andrew Wakefield situation when I see the OIUTF medics being lauded here for their ‘must read, excellent’ contributions to the discourse

There is a middle ground, absolutely. But in the mainstream media zero-COVID lads are treated as credible but doctors/professors who advocate a loosening of restrictions are labeled as nutters. Neil Ferguson, who was wildly wrong (again), is still given airtime.

Basically the dividing line is if they have the smiley face Twitter handle.

More and more of these types of stories now. Must be terrible for anybody affected to be denied treatment that is life changing

This is a narrative very common here that doesn’t really tally with my radio listening, lockdown sceptics have plenty of air time in truth,

That wouldn’t be my experience

Unlike you, I’m sure they are happy they over-estimated the number of fatalities. While you refuse to accept it, restrictions have saved a lot of lives. TYou and your like thought a vaccine would take years to develop and that restrictions were a waste of time. Luckily the general consensus among experts across the globe was that a vaccine would be found and that a bit of patience and rational decision making would safeguard a lot of lives. They have been vindicated. An end is in sight to this yet you still bitch and moan.

Reading articles like that really strike a chord that gets louder and louder by day than the covid case/death numbers related each evening.

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Having massive restrictions put on you life and livelihood is a perfectly fine thing to “bitch and moan” about. Lockdowns destroy lives. I’ve never once said there should be no restrictions whatsoever but locking people into their homes and giving many of them no means whatsoever to make a living is disproportionate.

Before I mention Sweden can you clarify which countries I’m allowed compare it to?


How do you tally that with what happened here in December? We opened up, a bit, and 1,000 people died in January.

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That happened everywhere in the Europe, lockdown or not. It’s going down everywhere again, lockdown or not


They were very prevalent before the vaccine. Sunetra Gupta and Anders Tegnell were two of the main OIUTF advocates. Both guessed that immunity levels were far far higher than in reality. Boris Johnson gave both of them an ear before summer last year, they paid the consequences. Gupta hasn’t been heard of in months, Tegnell popped up there last week when cases were low in Sweden for for a few days. They’ve been totally discredited amongst their peers but are still popular amongst the deniers.

Lolz, do you net get the correlation here? Really? :grinning: :grinning:

So you would have advocated not locking down on Christmas Eve and afterwards?

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No not locking down anyway. Maybe back to level 3, no pubs or restaurants maybe.

Sorry Mike, that’s inaccurate. The Irish experts were mostly vaccine skeptics who said that a vaccine would take years. People can hardly be blamed for taking their own national experts on face value.


That would have killed more people. Do you accept that?

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