Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

how do you know its not a cod?

Yeah I just told you how it works. The ones on 5k would be high volume Superpubs mostly. Theyā€™d have a lot of mouths to feed and are losing money maxed on 5k a week. Serious rents too

The publican out the country who was struggling to turnover 5k a week in 2019 is getting a lot closer to 500 than 5k. If he owns the bricks and mortar he gets to keep the whole lot, otherwise in the vast majority of cases it has to be spread around. Most landlords want the lot for themselves. No PUP if over 65.

I donā€™t doubt thereā€™s a minority cleaning up, but they are a tiny one, most are way down on income going on almost a year now.


At the end of six weeks the figures will be back down to 200 cases a day based on a 20% reduction week on week, which is more or less where they were in September when the schools opened, so there would be really no excuse not to open at that stage.

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Yeah but the vaccine seems to be a major negative.

And the variants.

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I havenā€™t seen much of that posting on here repeated every day, as opposed to the other. Feel free to highlight a few posts by LID merchants repeating that concern daily and Iā€™ll amend my post to include.

Who is Neil Ferguson? Whatā€™s his role in the HSE?

If you are over 65 and run a pub you donā€™t get the PUP i think

Lots of them too

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Will do. Youā€™ll have to obviously also count their lack of any interest in people with other medical conditions left undiagnosed and untreated because of these measures.

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Quite unfair on the likes of them for lads to be suggesting them and their like are pulling in 5k a week

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ā‚¬853m weā€™ve been allocated to re build the economy after covid.

What a random number.


so there would be really no excuse not to open at that stage.

Apart from wanting people to die.

ā‚¬400m for Larry Goodman, ā‚¬400m for Denis Oā€™Brien and the remainder then to do get a few consultancy and PR firms.


Or 1/3 of a childrenā€™s hospital

If your getting the pension you donā€™t get itā€¦ Its a joke tbh. My inlaws have a pub and donā€™t get the payment. It doesnā€™t make any since whatsoever. As for publicans clearing 5 kā€¦ Do some of ye cunts believe everything ye read ffs


Iā€™d say itā€™s some time to be a crony with all of the money slushing about.

PPE, vaccination centres, schools. Bates all Iā€™d say.

A more interesting question is if we knew this time last year what we know now with regard to fatality rates would countries ever have went down the path of lockdowns?

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Iā€™d say thereā€™s a high number of seasonal operators very happy with how Jan and Feb has gone with CRSS and the Ewss.

Theyā€™ll be less happy from March on wards though.


Less people get infected when weā€™re locked down hence less people die.

Then people say sure we didnā€™t need the lockdown.

Itā€™s like when no one dies in a code red storm and people are disappointed. No one dies because they heed the warnings.


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UK Gov report shows Contact tracing has little to no impact on controlling spread of Covid. Majority of transmission reduction comes from people self isolating when they develop symptoms.

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