Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Or would they have just locked down and waited for a vaccine before opening up

Nor comprehension yours it seems. Just to make it plain to you, I repeat, I was talking about the prediction made by somebody posting on this forum who claimed expertise in the field. He\She was fairly badly wrong would you not agree?

If preventing deaths from Covid is your only metric then a permanent lockdown makes the most sense.


I don’t know the answers but if this was the Spainish flu we’d nearly be done with it.

Just an update from the real world on young adults in Ireland.

-Majority of the college lads back living in college, drinking about every second week on serious sessions. Must be hundreds inside in college court at the same. Fair play to them.

-Half of my own group met up last week. About eight of them on a full session.

-I’ve observed that people of all ages are all back talking to each other mainly socially distancing but people are taking off their masks now to talk.

-Any parent I have spoken to are absolutely withered. Students and parents sick of it. OUSTF.

-98% of builders in rural Ireland back on the sites.

What impact this has on numbers is the problem but people are clearly fatigued. Tony will probably note all of the above in coming week and lock us down for another month.


Can you fire up the post there so we can all take a look? When did this TFK prophet make his prediction? If it were say in the March to May timeframe last year, I would say he was fairly spot on compared to other experts. The WHO claimed in March the mortality rate was 3.4%, with such a highly infectious virus one would expect everyone eventually to get infected, that would translate to 166k deaths in Ireland. The London Imperial college estimated 35,000 deaths, and there was another “medical expert” posting on boards that estimated 25,000 deaths.

Who would you say was closest, the three “experts” or this mysterious TFK sage?


You’re like some PUL spokesperson. No answer to the question, just whataboutery. I’ll ask you again:

If a self proclaimed expert predicted 2000 deaths and there are as of now almost 4000, with more to come, would you not say he was fairly badly wrong?

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The tradesmen are resourceful and have found sites to work on.

Wholesale turnover has held steady from before Christmas

This Robert Quirke appears to be an interesting character. An events company owner that was awarded a multi million euro ventilator deal.

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Why is it that so few people understand what the word whataboutery means? My responses to your question cannot be whataboutery, as we are discussing how wrong various predictions of Covid deaths in Ireland were.

If the range of possible deaths in Ireland from Covid is zero to 4.9 million, where everyone dies, I would say a prediction made roughly a year ago on TFK of 2K deaths relative to the actual of 4k deaths was fairly accurate. In comparison to the expert predictions of 25K, 35K, and 166K.

In particular as the poster in question would have no way of knowing in advance how badly the Irish government fucked up protecting nursing homes and hospitals (of all places) from rampant infection, the very locations where the most vulnerable were located. In fairness to Ireland this has been a problem in most western countries.

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No we weren’t. That’s what you wanted to do to divert from the, at the time, tfk resident expert’s inaccurate prediction.

I asked the question about that expert’s prediction. For some reason, you keep trying to divert attention away from the question with whataboutery. Why can’t you just answer the question? And just in case you’ve diverted your own attention from it, here it is again:


Remember the talk at the start of putting off lockdowns because people would only do them for a few weeks. Now we accept them for months on end with the backing of a majority of people. I don’t think anyone ever thought the general public would be so compliant.

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No, I would say he or she was fairly accurate, given the range of possible outcomes of zero to 4.9 million deaths, and given the information available at the time.

If you classify this poster’s prediction as “badly wrong” how would you classify the expert London Imperial college and WHO estimates? I would say he/she was within a reasonable margin of error for any prediction given at the time, whereas they were borderline insane. And yet people like yourself and @mikehunt are still in thrall of their “wisdom”.

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So because the prediction was out by 100% at least, it was pretty accurate because it wasn’t more than that. OK. Got ya. Mental!

tenor - Copy


I never thought there would be 48% of the population that are not dissatisfied with the vaccine roll out but there you are. It goes to show that once you control the message you can control the populace. However I am not entirely convinced by these polls or the questions being asked. With regards to lockdowns we’ll probably start seeing more and more nihilistic behavior. Once weather improves and days get longer people will want to spread their wings again after a long winter.


That lad in the gif said in late February 2020 that the US had nothing to worry about from Covid, and there was no reason why people shouldn’t go on cruises. If only he had been listened to eh?

Will we not be at nearly zero cases in a few months if numbers keep dropping?

There’s a common theme amongst these lads. They compare Sweden with the worst performing countries and when it comes to Covid predictions of any sort they bring in this chap from England we’ve never quoted. It’s all they’ve left.

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