Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Sweden are mid table in Europe.

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@mikehunt if you want to live under the bed for the rest of your life, by all means thats your choice.

Other people who want to get on their lives should be entitled to do that as well.

The zero covid zealots are lying to you. Its never going to happen. Its madness.


There’s a vaccine or haven’t you heard?

I won’t be bothering with that myself personally.

99.7% recovery - I don’t see any need to.

You’ll do what you’re told like a good chap

Can you explain India, Mike?

Extra spicey Vindaloos

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Very smelly people

I wouldnt be putting the tricep up first pal.

There is no need for people outside of vulnerable groups surely to get the vaccines.

If they are all vaccinated, whats the problem?

Ballybunion for you

Ballyheigue :grin:

You’ll be on your third Moderna shot by then.

Let me guess, they’re the new Sweden?

So you want to ignore them because they fly in the face of your agenda?

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:smiley::smiley:. My guess was correct.

So you’re refusing to look at their results because they did something different than you argue for.

That type of ignorance will stop you from growing and developing Mike.


They actually locked down for a bit but they had no way of sustaining it.

Leo recieving a lovely head massage from Miriam here

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He must be really dreading facing the boss

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India is indeed interesting. Based on antibody testing they estimate that the numbers infected are 50 times the reported case numbers, or over 547 million. Most major cities are now at or near herd immunity. They have had 155k deaths so an IFR of 0.03%. The reality of their March to June lockdown was to trap hundreds of millions of migrant workers in urban slums and infect all of them quickly.

Lockdowns worked in India by infecting the younger healthy working population efficiently. The opposite of Europe where lockdowns delayed infections until the winter months when the most vulnerable were likely to get seriously ill or die from a respiratory disease.

There are other factors obviously like life expectancy in India is 69.4 compared to 82 in Europe, and the % of the population over 65 is only 6% compared to 20% in Europe. We know that the death rate from Covid drops dramatically below age 70. Most people in India simply don’t live long enough to die from Covid. Deaths from diarrhea are 2,000 a day, from TB 1,200 a day, and currently from Covid less than 100 a day. To Indians, Covid is a rich persons pandemic.

Well worth a read:

Indians must have no confusion about how we reached impressive Covid herd immunity (