Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

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:smiley: Covid restrictions are a weird fantasy for some

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It’s terrifying that people are thinking like this


Is that how it works? People make enough and then stop, lose interest in money etc?


We need Covid to know we are taking it seriously.


Since January 1, daily cases are down 70 percent in the United Kingdom, 50 percent in Canada, and 30 percent in Portuga

A real conundrum for the lockdown magnates. If it drops too quickly they’ll have to rely on the new variant hoax to sell their yearly experimental vaccine.
Maybe the vaccine will start killing people soon…blame the virus, sell more vaccine and knock off old dears. Kill three birds with the one stone so to speak


I’m fairly sure a Leinster man set the balling rolling and as usual Munster fell in to line and followed…

California has 47,916 deaths or 1,213 per million, Florida has 29,311 deaths or 1,365 per million. They have ended up fairly close in deaths per capita but got there in different ways, Cali did better up to this winter surge than most other states, but has done worse than most since early December.

If you look across the full spectrum of states, and compare those that had the most strict and longest lockdowns, those that ended lockdowns early, and those that never had a lockdown, it’s really hard to establish causation for high or low case rates, hospitalizations or deaths. There is really no clear pattern, half the states that had the strictest lockdowns had twice the hospitalizations and deaths as Florida, but there are also numerous states that opened up early like Florida that are much worse.

Agreed on care homes, I think it’s the biggest scandal by far and borderline criminal that it wasn’t the #1 priority it should have been.

On the dying of versus with issue, I think It’s a valid distinction but not as big an issue as some claim. The medium age of Covid deaths is over 80 so it’s not unreasonable to think Covid had at least a part to play in most deaths where Covid was involved, even if in some cases it may not be the primary cause.

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In as much as I can comment on this matter I suspect that once you have 25 million in the bank then you aren’t getting your agent to pester Newstalk for a hundred euro to have a chat with Kieran Cuddihy at 7am.

But I can’t prove it


Suspect all you want. In my experience people who have the mindset to make millions tend to watch every miserable penny.
But maybe he isn’t motivated by money…even though he’s been using this human tragedy to shamelessly promote his book at every opportunity … I accept that you may not have noticed this.
And sure vanity motivates some people as much as money.


@mikehunt thinks Mike Ryan is a murderer


Is it vanity now? It’s hard to keep up

Question, how much money do you think it’s possible to make writing a popular science book biased towards Ireland which becomes largely irrelevant after the current pandemic

A bit more insight to the IT issues in reporting cases after Christmas.

If sarcasm is going to be your thing maybe you should spice it up with humour and intelligence.

How much? Haven’t a clue, but more if you can shamelessly promote it to useful idiots when you’re supposedly on tv to discuss a deadly pandemic.


What it shows is how many people were boozing and acting the bollix in the lead up to Christmas… Those numbers were huge in around the 27/28/29th… It’s one of the reasons you just can’t trust the Irish to open up fully. We’re very immature around things like alcohol but really there’s a I’m alright jack and fuck everyone else attitude that prevails in Irish society… Pubs need to stay shut permanently but open everything else up.

If numbers are miniscule and people are vacinnated why do pubs need to stay shut?

I don’t think it’s about money. He just probably likes having his belly tickled on national TV. He’s not the worst of them.

I’d say people were expecting a January lockdown and said “fuck it, let’s enjoy the meaningful Christmas and get wasted.”