Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

The vaccine doesn’t stop transmission. And the over 70s won’t be done till the end of June, still leaving a fair whack of people… If the numbers are low all the more reason to keep pubs shut. It’s a small price to pay to open up the rest of society.



Well if all the vulnerable and over 70s are vacinnated then will anyone else get sick from it? Numbers will be tiny but powers that be will be ultra cautious.

Yes. Deaths might predominantly over 70 but sickness and hospitalisation is across the board. Ireland has an obesity problem and obesity and covid don’t mix well.

I think having half the country sitting at home all day watching Netflix and drinking cans might increase levels of obesity.


Open the gyms.

The only way to tackle obesity is open the pubs but ban taxis.


He was at his wits end, yet could still pop up on talk shows across the media streams. Poor auld divil.


Something like half of the hospital cases are under 65s. They will be ultra cautious.

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What’s a case?

An individual example of an incident or situation being dealt with in a specific environment.

A right mad bastard.

Would a gas ticket be a case?

No, a gas ticket is a step back from a gas cunt and 3 steps away from a right case.

A gas ticket would be more of a character so?

Aye, he’d be a first cousin of a right character.

But a lot of people become cases while in hospital for other reasons? If they tested positive for covid while bei6treated for a heart condition would they be a case, even if they were never treated for covid? But sure we’ve been over this shite already


Well obese people should have to avoid pubs, large gatherings etc.

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You might be referring to a secondary case there. That’s once removed from a case but within the case family.

It didn’t take much prodding but we’ve finally outed you as the fattist you are…mods, ban this fucker.