Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

I see. So a positive test is a case then? Since when?

Since we handed over the state to Herr Holohan.

is anyone else here still “shitting it” that the virus will kill them?

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Did somebody here really say that some time?

I’d be surprised

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also even worse was the support of locking down society for a boutique illness that only impacts/ed invalid geriatrics

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Interesting take. Have you any data to back that up?

It’s become all about the ‘measures’, the propaganda, the variants, the arguments and the vaccines.
The actual virus has slipped off the scene without people noticing


whats the median age of death?


And that’s when it pounces!

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Go easy on him, you dont understand the pressure home schooling is putting on a few chaps.

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Jesus… I never thought of it like that before. You could be on to something here.

I’m interested in which posters said they were ‘shitting it’ about being killed by Covid?
The speech marks were yours

the real question has to be asked how did relatively logical thinking people buy into this en masse for such a long period of time?
the bit now is fellas who screamed loudest for a lockdown in January are now screaming for a reopening.
They signed up to the mantra that high case numbers were “scary” and have now decided they’re not scared anymore…but the problem is they were complicit endorsing a methodology that has no success criteria…
sold a pup as the fella would say


have you any reasonable evidence that would support a conflicting viewpoint ?
anecdotal nonsense and emotive arguments not relevant here tho with respect please

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do lads regret cheering on the closure brigade now back in December?
I’m assuming they did this in the full knowledge the restrictions they were endorsing were long term with no exit strategy or did they genuinely think the “effort” would have them in the gaelic grounds in May?

do fellas feel they were made fools of? are happy with their lot?,or do they believe there actually saved lives??

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You’re a beaten docket.

Go back to the kids there and do a bit of colouring in ffs, you’re at nothing here.


look im just asking the questions here…
I understand they may provoke a bit of uncomfortable thinking but still its probably a necessary exercise when fellas are pontificating on what they think should be done.

this is a very simple exercise… the place is locked down and it appears to me that people are clutching at absolute straws to justify why.

it has to be asked if at the beginning governments knew the impact of this would be so minimal and exclusive to such a niche sector of the population would these en masse restrictions on those who the virus had neglible impact on be enforced for so long?
out of respect nobody had a clue until say June last year but by then it was clear who the target audience were…but by then case numbers had been defined as the metric 1000 cases was seen as armageddon…despite the number having no quantifiable impact on society

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I think most of us bought into the hysteria, school closures etc for a while, myself included. But it’s been apparent for a while that it’s not what we thought, and most government have clearly made a complete hames of it. If lads can’t anonymously admit they’re wrong on the internet what hope is there for politicians…and who knows what the repercussions will be. Does every business owner have a right to seek compensation? There’ll be a multitude of reasons for people to seek compensation if this house of cards falls. And then you’ve profiteering scientists and politicians that are steering the narrative etc.

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What you’re saying is fine but it’s all been discussed 10 months ago… You clearly don’t read the thread, jump in with a few posts you think are edgy and then create an ‘opposition’ so to speak by throwing up the standard TFK tactic of… ‘Some lads think’… When no one at all has ushered a word of it. There’s a couple of die hard lock it down men on board but the majority are just getting on with it as best they can. I think 99% of posters realize exactly what’s up but might have slightly differing opinions on restrictions.

Same lads sneer at Trump supporters and fake news and would never be so easily manipulated by media and social media.

Once you inject fear then a lot of weak minded people lose the ability to think rationally.

The fact that fear is being propagated while vaccines exist and are being rolled out is obscene.