Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

People should not be afraid of their goverment, goverments should be afraid of their people

Like you when you saw my 5k time…
:running_man:‍♂ :running_man:‍♂ :running_man:‍♂

I did a 3k today in 15. I’m out walking now looking for the hill I will die on. Downhill.

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I’m looking over my shoulder constantly.

Says the guy who called the fact that schools aren’t opened yet as ‘obscene’!

Our integrity sells for so little, but it is all we really have. It is the very last inch of us. But within that inch, we are free.

ah look nobody can read this thread…
my views on this are consistent since we had some reasonable models on this last June, if those views are classified as “edgy” or whatever by others i can’t control that and look thats grand, but if alternative opinions are been casually dismissed or heckled for the simple reason because they provoke some thinking that is outside the accepted status quo then we are in trouble and are headed to those shocking situations in Burma and the USA where the views of people who represent a sizable opposition are removed from the media

obviously everyone is getting on with it and that’s grand but it is still a healthy exercise to at least question the logic behind these restrictions given the negative impact they are having on people’s lives for virtually zero positive yield gain


I think it is obscene tbh farmer that primary schools are closed


I also think it’s obscene

ridiculous is probably a better word
illogical maybe

can you please set the scene for the weekly hse briefing?

From a public policy perspective, I would agree it’s quite obscene that schools aren’t open for primary school kids in particular.

We have seen paper after paper where it is said not to be driving significant infection. There is no doubt that it does have an impact, we underplayed it’s for months, but it really is not all that significant. There is an argument to be made that when you have significant community transmission that you can keep them closed for a week or two - this is nothing new. Half term breaks in some US schools were timed to break flu season, but given that Covid has less impact on children it doesn’t seem to have the same impact.

We also know from a public policy perspective that there is enormous damage to children not being in school, particularly from disadvantaged backgrounds. There are lots of anecdotes out there from teachers in disadvantaged areas on how many didn’t even come back last September, let alone now. Anti social behaviour is on the rise. For early childhood education, it is going to be very damaging. Days can feel like weeks for kids, months are years. Many have been out of school now for 5 of the last 8 months of teaching.

I think 6/7 weeks on from cases exploding but then hugely declining and knowing the above, that it is quite obscene that most kids aren’t back at school. I can’t see how anyone could suggest otherwise from a whole of society perspective.

We are far too willing to roll over and things now with Covid. How on earth can you argue with the likes of RTÉ saying a 90+ Alzheimer’s patient was in good health up to getting Covid and the emotional blackmail that people use to further on restrictions? We won’t know the full cost of missing all of this school for years.


Its fucking madness.

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A generation of kids with poor literacy skills is obscene.

keep telling them they saved lives…thats the narrative

Mike Hunt will be along shortly to tell us that lads never cared about underprivileged kids before Covid.

Mike Ryan’s message is straight forward enough. Get numbers low then open up and implement aggressive test and trace systems to keep numbers low The majority of countries in the world haven’t done it. Ireland had single digit numbers last summer, opened it up and didn’t bother following through with test and trace and here we are, like a lot of Europe, in a constant cycle of lockdown/OIUTF. Those that follow the recommendations are in better shape.

You didn’t anyway Tim. Nor do you care now. You’ll keep pretending you do though, too spineless to reveal your true motives.

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Winners never look back.

A lot of the African countries ryan is speaking for have told him to take his lockdowns and his vaccines and go shit in his hat.

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