Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Perhaps if you stopped making up things that you supposedly read here you might be more credible in your criticism o other posters motives or views

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‘Some Lads Here’ (SLH) are the mythical tfk bogeyman like antifa or the proud boys. You can assign any opinion you like to them to win an argument but nobody is exactly sure who they are let alone what their opinions are.


I am not critical of anyone at all, I just regard certain approaches as reckless and without any logic behind them.
My opinions on the completely disproportionate overreaction to this nonsense are regularly disparaged on here and that’s fine but I do not see why they are personalised or seen as a criticism of others. maybe it acts as s deflection, I dont know , or some avoidance to have a proper discussion on same


Would 95% of 17-18 year olds give a toss about those exams?

Is surely only the nerds who care.

What happened in India, Mike?

The average life expectancy across the whole continent of Africa is 62 if you are male and 65 if you are female. I’d wager they have far more existential threats than Covid which seems to be a rich person living in the northern hemisphere type disease. Take your pick from Cholera, Malaria, yellow fever, any of the Heps, aids. Actually when you list them out you begin to realise how absolutely absurd it is to think that they would be preoccupied with Covid. Luke O Neill thinks the end game is wrapped up in the whole world being vaccinated. Michael Ryan thinks countries stockpiling vaccines like Canada (9 doses per person), UK (7 doses per person) and depriving them to 3rd world countries will be some big landmark moment in history. I doubt it somehow. Half the population of South Africa have contracted the virus. India probably has herd immunity. They have no interest in vaccine take up.


I would say more than 5% of 17/18 year olds would care about whether they get into college yes

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How convenient.

I wonder how many of the cabinet are landlords?

Seriously, you’re views are shared by about 90% of TFK,
You’re regularly coming on here making out you’re some kind of maverick and imagining things that have been said.

Who are the posters who said on here that they were ‘shitting it’ about dying from Covid,

Which deranged nutjob said that?

Cathal Berry, independent TD from Kildare,

Just had a look at his page. Ironically he posted this a few hours ago.

Bit of cognitive dissonance with this fella

Did it really have anything to do with boozing or was it just the “Christmas cod” where for a few set days in the year people have to followed a tradition for kids under 8 and play happy fucking families.

Christmas should have been banned this year, no doubt. People should make time for their lowed ones in their life, not just a token gesture a few days before the end of the year.

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Some lads on here love to use the expression some lads on here.


@Mac hasnt contributed to this thread for almost 3 months

@padjo very quiet too

thats you’re opinion but again and I dont know why you’re trying to personalise a discussion topic.
“maverick” , that’s your opinion of me and that’s grand but it’s not adding value to the thread at all im afraid.

You just know that @mac is making serious coin out of peoples’ misery during this pandemic.


Why wouldn’t they get into college? Are colleges reducing their intakes by 95%?

Why would 95% of teens go to college now? Don’t we have a severe shortage of tradespeople?

surprised he isnt posting more here though feeding off others misery

random poster “im a bit down, on PUP & my life is so boring now”
@Mac “im loving this, 10k done, just got a massive bonus”