Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Im not calling you anything.

Iā€™m just pointing out that these mythical people that you are so fond of quoting donā€™t exist

The TFK narrative you speak of is bonkers, itā€™s about 90% on your side despite what you think, obviously that doesnā€™t include the many posters who ever contribute to these threads

Earlier on you spoke about TFK posters who were ā€˜shitting itā€™ that they would die of Covid, who are they and when did they say that?

Thereā€™s lads on here who think over 80s should be left to die at home with no interference from the state.

How do they decide who gets in without the exams?

I never said anything about 95% of teens going to college. Itā€™s a lot more than 5% though

Did they hold exams last year?

I just remember back to my days in school. Only about 5% of people gave a toss, I went to uni but didnā€™t really try very hard at school - maybe Iā€™m just very smart though.

The amount of lads here mixing up ā€œyourā€ and ā€œyouā€™reā€ is a fucking disgrace. An even bigger disgrace than Covid.


You were schooled in the UK system, anybody could go to college through that, what is it, 2 or 3 subjects?

They didnā€™t have exams last year and it resulted in a lot of people being unhappy. However, even last year the teachers had a full 5th year of class tests and the mocks to decide their predicted grade. This yearā€™s students had an interrupted 5th year and an interrupted 6th year so it would be very difficult to give an estimate at a predicted result.

A lot of nerds being unhappy, mate.

A lot of nerds.

You donā€™t really need to start working until uni anyway.

Usually the folk who kill themselves in school become failures because they canā€™t handle the freedom and autonomy of university life whereas the ones who coasted in school are more prepared to take new found liberties in their stride.

Thereā€™s lads on here who want the country to go into a deep recession just to prove they were right on the INTERNET.

Thereā€™s Some Lads Here who want to see an entire generation dead just so they can have a few slow ones.

You donā€™t understand the Irish school system mate. If you want to get into a good course you have to do a bit of work across 7 or more different subjects.

If you donā€™t put in much effort like yourself, youā€™d be left with an Arts degree or doing business management or something in some kind of IT

Whatā€™s a good course?

All you need is a 2.1 degree and Bobā€™s your uncle. Bar medicine and any sort of maths related course you donā€™t need unbelievable grades to get in.

Thereā€™s a handful of courses relevant to directly getting a job in that field. Most people cross over and do a masters in a different area or get a trainee job and do internal exams. Your man above is displaying a very old , rural, elitist attitude towards educationā€¦ The civil service mentality. I know stacks of people that coasted, did arts and are now speech therapists, OTs, Doctors, psychologists, teachers. Half the nerds that killed themselves to get over 500 points for primary teaching are now back looking for ways to get out of the profession having wasted most of their youth stressing about becoming a teacher because their parents pushed it on them at 16.

Thatā€™s how Iā€™d view it in my time.

Generally your school exams made little difference in the end, plenty of ways to get into Uni and get whatever course/degree you wanted. I think a lot of the big professional firms might have required certain school grades for entry level positions but nothing at all that would stop you from pursuing a professional career in your field and getting the big jobs at a later date.

I know from my class, itā€™s a bit of a mixed bag how people ended up regardless of their school grades, a lot of chaps who worked really hard in school and got top marks ended out dropping out of their course and a lot of the lads who got middle of the road grades are in some very good jobs now. I went to the smart school after my 11+ but there was a lad in my class who did shit in them and went to the slow school. He still got to uni has a very big engineering job over in London now and is absolutely minted.

I actually wasnā€™t even going to go to uni but Mamma insisted I apply, a young Fulvio had eyes on a professional football career at the time.


Have to get a test later today :slightly_frowning_face:
I was a close contact to someone who tested positive, since I got the phone call Iā€™m starting feel dodge,the oul placebo effect in reverse
wish me luck!!

Knock em dead pal.

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youā€™ll live ffs

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This is my pity party , the door is over there!


In fairness mate, most people donā€™t intend on spending 10 to 15 years in college like yourself


you could literally write a thesis on his college years :smiley: