Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Maybe you should have pal… You’d be able to discern 7 from 15 then.

i have a real pet peeve about that phrase… “big job”…

Its still cool to say he’s a big wheel down at the cracker factory though right?

861 last Thursday

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This thread is shit-show mate, best avoided


Just back from having a swab stuck up my nose into my brain. The girl was telling me they’ve been very quiet as regards testing the last few days, the cases should start plummeting based on fewer tests surely

Some lads here, some lads won’t, some lads need a little lovin and some lads don’t.


I hope to fuck when the pubs reopen it’s none of that shite we had in the summer with table service.

Fair enough for restaurants but pubs can’t survive really under those measures.


Just in case anyone is looking for a perfect popperian example…

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Leo will have a great time releasing nuggets like that, while Martin will have to come out as the bad guy and play it down.

How about they cut the excise rate for on premises alcohol sales

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Yeah I think Varadkar as minister for Trade and more importantly employment wants to get on with things. A lot of places if they don’t open up this summer will never open. On premises alcohol sales need footfall to survive and its hard to see anything more than table service and or 50 being allowed inside a pub for quite some time.

They’ll have to let us into the streets to drink pints like they were talking about last summer but never actually bothered doing

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theyre at nothing unless they allow international tourists in. thats where the big bucks are for the hospitality sector

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American tourists particularly

Sure who could possibly pass up the opportunity to spend 2 weeks stuck in an airport hotel with your kids and pay $3k for the privilege, with the option of paying a further $4K and going to jail if you venture out for a pint.

I wonder if sunshine helps.

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They have a big plan for “post Covid” to get the Yanks back. The Year of the Invitation.

people have lost interest as well in the thing, im suprised you went for the test tbh… i mean if its a + you’re consigned to the box room for 10 days - fk that

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Maybe they have a different sun in California?