Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

That dress does nothing for Jennifer

Its a cod


So if in 8 weeks time numbers are under a 100 we still lock down like the moment. Jesus weeps.

he’s basicsally saying as we know by now unless you’re old or have a heart condition its a load of nonsense…he was proven right


My my. Luke going with 100% success of all vaccines…I spose the lads that died after taking it died of the vaccine, not covid. A technical distinction but an important one.

Whatever it is, it’s a fantastic catch-all excuse to quench hope.

Wonder what backbencher will the Govt put out to go the tour of the radio shows tomorrow to explain current restrictions remain until May

Let Timmy Dooley loose

What will you do about it?

Level 5 all the way to June regardless of numbers.

Luke O’Neill was a bit uncomfortable at the start of this video :smile:

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Many of us warned the forum about Holohan. Like Adolf back in '33 taking power without winning an election

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What’s this? Is the vaccine killing people? Game changer!

Relax lads, the time for push back is over, the proper countries will open up and make a show of us and we’ll follow after. Until then we just have to grin and bear it


What’s the countdown timer at?

Ah stop. The state of the smelly lad asking the questions.

Luke would do well to hit him a slap.


Ryan: “Why are people panicking?”
Luke: “They’ve seen too many horror movies.”

Horror movies called RTÉ News: One O’Clock, RTÉ News: Six One, RTÉ News: Nine O’Clock, RTÉ News: Headlines, Claire Byrne Live, Prime Time, Leader’s Questions, etc.


Brilliant line from Luke in hindsight.

Level 5 until May at least. Mehole lashing out after his trip to see the POTUS was kyboshed.


Sarah Carey apparently.

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