Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)


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Under promise over deliver

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You’d assume so, but we didn’t last summer.

They won’t be able to sustain level 5 that long. Pubs etc yes but the knock effects for everything else is just too much.

Don’t worry we’re getting €853 billun because of our economic growth last year. That will go far.

Hans and Fritz (he’s a ferret) having the last laugh over our leprechaun economics.

Absolutely we’ll be out the gap by June

:syringe: this year mate game changer

What can you say really. Too busy with his work to look his peers in the eye.

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Just the odd one, but they’re obviously anti vaxxers so fuck’em

Thought it was a decent interview,

He has plenty of time for Newstalk, RTE etc

He was well caught out


Just booked 10 days in Wexford from the middle of the first week of May. Based on Mick Martin’s interview this evening, I’m estimating that the cunts will initially extend level 5 restrictions from 5 March to 5 April (Easter Monday) and then maybe go to level 4/4+ for another month until the May bank holiday. We might be then given permission to move outside our counties and see our families from 4 May onwards. :handshake:

Announcing it at 10pm via the Daily Mirror is the new Fianna FĂĄil

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In fairness its only nine weeks :expressionless:

I’m not able for 9 more weeks.

What’s 9 weeks supposed to achieve? Surely review it every few weeks. The vaccine has given them free reign to do Level 5 for as long as they want as it will probably be the last one

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The next nine weeks are crucial lads

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We’ll have to spend every weekend in Belfast for the summer


They might get the junior A semi-finals from 2020 played off after that :grin:

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9 more weeks will break lads.